Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 417: The God Of War, Take Your Title!

After absorbing all the gains, Luo Cheng felt the majestic divine power in his body and felt quite emotional.

The speed of his strength improvement is really too fast.

Just over half a year.

He became a demigod from a mortal.

Moreover, with his current combat power, not to mention the invincibility of the demigods, it is not too much worse.

In addition to the blue star, the elites of the background level who are sitting in various major countries and Yinzhou.

Others, it is basically difficult to bring any threat to him.

The next goal is to...

The gods of the two tribes of demons and demons!

The time that these two races have been pressing on the Blue Star human beings is really too long.

Since human beings have written records, the historical city has only supplied land for more than 5,000 years.

But now, for nearly one-tenth of the time, they are being invaded by the two worlds of demons and beasts.

Even, those two races want to completely destroy the human race.

Occupy the Blue Star and obtain the qualification to enter the world of the heavens.

In this regard, Luo Cheng could only watch silently when he didn't have enough ability.

But now, he has the strength, because he has a dialogue with the gods of the demons and demons!



Suddenly, in front of the Tongtian Tower in Spring Rain City.

The ocean of Yuanli that gathered again collapsed.

Luo Weiwei is surrounded by a lot of Razer lightning, just like Thor is alive!

Her level has been upgraded.

Now she is only level 910.

But her attributes are even higher than those of the usual 930-level top low-ranking demigods.

However, just when she thought that the top demigods who were guarding around her came back to congratulate and bless her.

The breath of these top demigods suddenly gathered in another place.

Luo Weiwei frowned suspiciously.

I saw that she originally thought that it was the breath of a top-level demigod who came to protect it, but it turned out to be...

Luo Cheng!!

" is this possible?"

Luo Weiwei couldn't believe it.

She was a super genius who successfully used the Great Thunder Prison to slay the gods, broke through the 99th floor Tongtian Tower, and succeeded in breaking through with 99 crystals of divine power!

Her comprehension of the law of thunder, even before breaking through to a demigod, reached 0.10%.

But even so, her strength is only comparable to the top low-ranking demigods, or the weaker middle-ranking demigods.


The breath that Luo Cheng exudes is similar to the breath of the top demigods gathered around him.


on the exposed edge.

Luo Cheng's breath is even stronger and sharper than those of the top demigods!

Luo Weiwei couldn't believe it and stood there for a long time.

And Luo Cheng's side, three men and one woman have gathered, a total of four dragon-level powerhouses!

The titles of these four top-ranked demigods are,

Destroy the God of War!

Sandstorm God!

Muyuan Law God!

God of Slaughter!

Their titles have already indicated the laws and information they have comprehended.

What the Wind Sand Law God masters is the power of the wind.

What Muyuan Law God masters is the power of the wood spirit.

What the God of Destruction masters turned out to be the Law of Destruction, which is of the same level as the Law of Void mastered by Luo Cheng.

Can be compared to these three.

What caught Luo Cheng's attention even more was the last, the old man with white hair and beard.

God of Slaughter - Wu Anbang!

Luo Cheng didn't hear much about the names of the other three.

But for the name of Wu Anbang, the god of slaughter.

In the entire Dragon Kingdom, few people do not know about it.

This God of War is extremely rare.

The super powerhouse that has existed since the beginning of the Era of the Heavens!

In the Dragon Kingdom, there are countless legends about Wu Anbang.

The most famous of these are...

More than two hundred years ago, the Blue Star powerhouses were unwilling to be mediocre, and they all tried their best to become gods and ascend to the civilization level of Blue Star human beings.

But without exception, all the people who had the strength of the catastrophe died under the ruthless thunder.

Above the blue star, the powerhouse at the level of the patron saint of the Emperor fell.

The two demon clans took the opportunity to send a large number of god-level demons, wanting to be aggressive and defeat the humans on the Blue Star at that time.

Then, after waiting for hundreds of years, the two worlds overlap, and they can come again.

But it was then.

Once again, a group of powerhouses appeared on the Blue Star, responding to the calamity of the times.

And Wu Anbang, the god of slaughter, was also one of the robbery powerhouses of the Dragon Kingdom at that time.

His record was brilliant.

According to rumors, at that time, he was on the East China Sea with one sword and one sword.

Killed an army of 300,000 monsters.

Among them, there are also a full thirty warriors of the demigod rank of the two demons and beasts.

According to legends, the sky that day was covered with the deep red sea water and turned into a scarlet color!


The image that appeared in front of Luo Cheng at this time, the legendary God of Slaughter.

It really is the same as the slaughtering God of War in his impression, who has the ultimate murderous law of slaughter in the world...

The difference is really too big.

At this time, the God of Slaughter didn't have any equipment.

Just wearing a simple white robe over his body.

The hairstyle is also the simplest flat head.

It's like taking a hair clipper and pushing it out.

His beard is white and flawless.

Many times longer than a hair.

A pair of eyes looked at him happily all the time.

This image seems to be exactly the appearance of the neighbor and the good uncle.

There is absolutely no connection with words such as decisive killing and unparalleled killing.

"Hehehe, the little baby is not bad. In the future, the important task of protecting our Dragon Kingdom will be handed over to you!"

Wu Anbang smiled and said to Luo Cheng.

From his eyes, Luo Cheng can see that Wu Anbang is satisfied and pleased with him.

"Don't worry, Elder Wu, I will work hard."

In any case, Luo Cheng has great respect for this legendary old man.

In the face of Wu Anbang's encouragement, Luo Cheng did not show too much edge.

But he also expressed his determination to protect the Dragon Kingdom.

Wu Anbang was very satisfied with Luo Cheng's attitude.

As a Blue Star for more than 400 years, he is recognized as the 'first genius'.

It is rare for Luo Cheng to have such a humble attitude.

However, in addition to protecting the Dharma for Luo Cheng and seeing the younger generation of Luo Cheng.

Wu Anbang has another 'business' to ask Luo Cheng.

"Xiaozi Luo, the ultimate god of war, let me ask you, whether your title is taken by yourself, or if he takes it for you.

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