Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 435 Monster Secret Realm, Death Storm!

Leaving the original secret realm.

Luo Cheng teleported to the void several times in a row, and returned to Dragon Island.

Say something.

Using void teleportation in a world where the laws are stable, the feeling is much smoother and more comfortable than using void teleportation in the original secret realm.

After returning to Dragon Island.

Luo Cheng was not in a hurry to absorb and comprehend the Void Law in the crystallization of the Void Law.

Instead, he went to the Tower of the Secret Realm immediately.

He found the secret realm that Luo Zhixin told him, which contained many powerful monsters.

The name of this secret realm is ~ Storm of the Dead.

The monsters inside are mostly dead-soul monsters.

The characteristics of the undead monster are very obvious.

Their individual strength is not high in the same realm.

Even, it can be called the bottom, but their only advantage is.

The difficulty of birth is relatively low, and the number... is extremely large!

When Luo Cheng, with the help of Long Island's resident demigod, opened the portal of the secret realm and entered the secret realm of the Storm of the Dead.

He felt it instantly, and a strong breath of undead came to his face.

The breath of undead in this secret realm is too strong.

It made him uncomfortable for a while.

There is black fog everywhere in the secret realm, and it is impossible to see everything around.

In the distance, there is the sound of the soul screaming from the undead creatures.

It sounds very intrusive.

But for the current Luo Cheng.

The creatures of this place.

It was too weak.

"God said, let there be light!"

Suddenly, Luo Cheng Guanzi seemed to think of something.

A little spoof, there is an exclusive line from a certain god in Western legend.

next moment.

A little holy light flowed from his fingertips.

Then, it rocketed into the sky and became bigger quickly.


A light ball like a 'little sun' composed entirely of the power of light.

All the gloomy fog around it was dispelled.

The undead creatures around feel the nasty holy light.

They roared even harder.

Their heads turned to the sky one after another.


I saw that a Frost Bone Dragon took the lead and rushed towards the holy light ball summoned by Luo Cheng.

I want to extinguish this holy light that makes me feel extremely uncomfortable.

Luo Cheng's thoughts moved slightly.

The attribute information of this bone dragon appeared in his mind.

【Frost Bone Dragon】

Level: 900

Blood volume: 22000w


Talent: Breath of the Dead

Skills: Undead Breath, Frost Breath, Death Silence, Frost Shield...

Description: The bone fragments of the fallen dragon have been eroded by the breath of the dead for a long time. After the death of the dragon, the lingering ghosts are linked together and transformed into a powerful monster that controls the power of frost. Bone Dragon.

See Frostbone Dragon's stats.

Luo Cheng even raised his eyelids, showing no interest in attacking it.

His mind moved slightly.

There was a slight spatial fluctuation on the side.

Xiao Huo, who has been in the pet space for more than a month.

Finally saw the sun again.

"Master! You can be regarded as letting out the small fire, I was almost suffocated in it.

With the passage of time.

Xiaohuo's mind and language are obviously much more agile than before.

Moreover, his personality is no longer as arrogant as it was at the beginning.

no way.

Whether it is comparing Luo Cheng, or comparing Kos.

Its talent does not take advantage of it.

"Haha, didn't this tell you to come out?"

"See these undead monsters around?"

Luo Cheng patted Xiao Huo's head.

He signaled to it the undead monsters around him.

Xiaohuo nodded, with flames burning in his eyes, obviously eager to try.

Luo Cheng also didn't have the instinct to suppress Xiao Huo.

Patted Xiao Huo on the head again.

Said: "All the monsters in this secret realm are handed over to you."



Hearing Luo Cheng's words, Xiaohuo let out a few long chimes in excitement.

Since it followed Luo Cheng.

Basically, I never had any chance to show my strength unscrupulously.

...ask for flowers...

Every time, in front of Luo Cheng and Kogas.

It's all definitely supporting roles.

But now, Luo Cheng let himself purify this evil world with a single 'bird'.

#BA …

With the waving of the wings, the small and exquisite little fire instantly turned into its main body.

Wings spread.

It turned into a huge fireball with a diameter of more than ten meters.


After a long cry.

The small fire rose into the air at an extremely fast speed.

With a 'bang', it hit the body of the Frost Bone Dragon.

Immediately after.

A series of flame chains entangled the Frost Bone Dragon tightly.

The blazing flames directly engulfed the Frost Bone Dragon, which contained terrifying frost and undead power.

Not a moment.

Luo Cheng heard the kill prompt from Tiandao.

However, he can no longer obtain upgrade experience by killing monsters.

Therefore, the experience after the death of the Frost Bone Dragon was given to Xiaohuo in full.

In this way, Xiaohuo's upgrade speed will become faster.

Xiaohuo is fighting outside.

Luo Cheng did not favor one over another.

Immediately summoned Chogas and Xiao Zi.

Xiao Zi is the name Luo Cheng gave to Floating Void-Queen.

It's easier to call it this way.

"Summoner, Kogas listens to your orders!"

After the gigantic and overshadowing Kogas appeared on the stage, as always, he spoke his lines.

And Xiao Zi, the size of a pea, wandered curiously in a small area, looking at this world, shrouded in holy light, but full of undead creatures.

"Kogas, the monsters here, I will let you destroy them."

"Your task is to constantly devour and grow, and then find a way to feed Xiao Zi.

"Follow your orders, Summoner!"

Hearing Luo Cheng's words, Kogas didn't hesitate at all.

Immediately took a step.

Look for undead creatures to devour, and feed Xiao Zi away.


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