Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 445: The Law Of Sealing! Demon Attack!

The battle on the ocean continues.

But the situation is completely one-sided.

Soon, the six top-level demon kings were joined by the six Dragon Kingdom powerhouses, and only two of them were killed.


"Human, you are deceiving too much!!"

"Let's perish together!! The demon disintegrates!!"


A terrifying one.

He is also the strongest among the six top demon kings.

Suddenly, there was an aura of destruction.

In addition to the original law of magic, it actually comprehends a law of destruction!

In the face of the self-destruction of the Demon King, the six strong people present were present.

All helpless.

Even Luo Cheng.

You can only open Void Teleport.

Immediately left the place.

But just when everyone retreated one after another, all of them were ready to defend against "Nine Thirty Zeros".

The Linjiang God of War, who had been standing in the center, stood still.

Suddenly a staff was taken out.

Then, he tapped lightly under his feet.

"Boom boom!!"

"Crack, Kaka-!!"

I saw a thick black pillar.

It just fell out of thin air.

turned into a prison.

Trapped the Demon King inside.

On the black pillars, there are also a large number of runes appearing.

The power of rules contained in those runes has been extremely perfect.


Those runes, Luo Cheng is actually somewhat familiar.

Because, he used to be in the ashes, the place where the seals squatted the gods of the ancient times.

I have seen similar, more esoteric rune marks.

The power they represent is.

The law of seal!!

The thought in Luo Cheng's mind just flashed.

One after another huge seal power.

It emanated from the thick black pillars.

Immediately after.

A chain of black chains.

Just like this, he appeared on the body of the Dread Demon King, who was surrounded by the power of law.

Under the action of the sealing force.

The power of the law that the Demon King's body exploded was actually slowly dissolving!

Originally looked at the demon king who was about to explode.

It was so calmed down.

"Do not--!!"

"Damn, same evil!"

"Human, you should..."



Just when this Demon King was still roaring unwillingly and wanted to say something.

Luo Cheng, who had teleported away, actually teleported back in an instant.

Then, grasp with one hand.

A chain of terrifying void chains appeared out of thin air.

Locked in the body of this Demon King.

And Luo Cheng's side.

Liu Qingbai was also not to be outdone.

He swung the three-foot gentleman's sword with all his strength.

A shocking horse that exudes this black brilliance appeared.

He stood straight on the Demon King's body.


Liu Qingbai's sword did not have the aura of breaking mountains and rivers with one sword.

Instead, it increased the changes in the devouring law.

That astonishing horse training.

It was actually composed of a large number of small black swallowing sword qi.

But this kind of swallowing sword energy, although it doesn't seem to be normal, the sword energy that is completely cut out by force is magnificent.

However, their cutting ability.

It turned out to be many times stronger than ordinary sword energy.

After this sword.

That huge demon king was actually hit by Liu Qingbai's sword twice!


While the body was cut off.

The soul of this Demon King is all engulfed by the swallowing sword energy formed by the swallowing law.

devour it all!!

But the crowd killed the demon king.

When he was about to kill the last demon king, who was about to give up his resistance, he was scared to death.

Below the destruction series mech group.

Suddenly there was a terrifying red glow.


I saw a thick blood-colored beam of light rising into the sky from under the sea.

Around, there are hidden demon kings!

In other words, the initial target of these demon kings.

It is to destroy these mechanical beings that can detect their hidden traces!

And the six frontal demon kings.

It was just a bait that they deliberately released to attract everyone's attention after they had discussed it.

The two demon kings who had originally stayed far away from the sea.

I have been waiting for this opportunity now.

The Linjiang God of War is blocking the last demon king...

And the other six top-level demigods.

Couldn't come back in time.

Protecting the destruction series mecha hovering above the sea.

this time.

It is the moment when they are most likely to destroy all the destruction series!



"King Kong!!"

The Ice God of War who has been staying on both sides and never shot.

And on the other side, a demigod powerhouse wearing a khaki shirt.

At the moment when this red glow appeared.

At the same time shot!

It was as if they knew everything in advance.

Prepared for an attack long ago.

I see.

on the vast sea.

Frozen for thousands of miles!

Above these ice crystals, there is also a dazzling golden brilliance.

That is the blessing of another demigod's vajra technique.

It can greatly enhance the defense of the ice crystals summoned by these Ice Gods of War.

And those Destruction series mechas are not idle either.

They released violent defensive energy.

Together they support the huge ice field below.

"Boom, boom—!!"

There was a violent crash.

That scarlet, thick red energy failed to break through the ice after all.

Completely sealed under the ice.

And the other side.

Luo Cheng, Liu Qingbai, and four other top demigod-level 2.6 clan powerhouses.

There was no hesitation or stoppage.

Quickly rushed towards the sea area where the energy came from.

At this time, this sea area has been reinforced by the special props of Linjiang War God.

Therefore, even if they release their energy recklessly, they don't have to worry about causing too much damage to Blue Star.

The fastest one is Luo Cheng, who has an affinity for the Law of Void.

He just lifted his foot slightly and fell.

In an instant, they appeared in front of the two demon demigods who were hiding in this sea area and wanted to sneak attack to destroy mechanical life.

Immediately after.


The majestic void energy overflows.

The Void Realm Expands!

In an instant, the two demon powerhouses were wrapped in it.

The characteristics of the Void Realm, allow entry, no exit! .

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