Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 471 Holy Light Redemption, Group Resurrection!

"This is.……………

"The power of the god of light!!"

The blood-clothed elder was more knowledgeable, and instantly sensed the source of the power that was now emerging around them.

"God of Light..."

"Boy in Mocheng, when did you get involved with the God of Light again?"

"It's......the future is terrifying!"

"I just said that even if we didn't choose that Lu Fengxian as the leader, it might be a wiser choice to choose this kid as the leader."

"Don't be an afterthought, then Lu Fengxian, after all, got the inheritance of the leader."

Just when a group of demon killers were communicating with their souls.

One after another more splendid holy light, with infinite light and divine power.

It just fell on them.

next moment.

based on their souls.

A terrifying divine power, gathered from all directions and in the void of the universe.

Just a moment.

Their demigod bodies are reunited under the knot of these divine powers!

The blood-robed elder clenched his fist.


12 In a short period of time, it returned to its peak state!!

with his knowledge.

He knew about these mysterious resurrection methods.

But, in his impression, resurrecting a pinnacle demigod, or even a pinnacle demigod, would have to pay an extremely heavy price.

And this can only be done, to revive it.

The resurrected will fall into an extremely long state of weakness according to their own strength.

I don't know how many years it will take to get back to peak state.

Even, it is impossible to make further progress in a lifetime.

However, the current situation directly exceeded his cognition.

This kind of means to instantly restore three peak demigods and several peak demigods to their peak state...

Afraid that the God of Light descends directly, can this be done?


The blood-robed elder looked at Luo Cheng, who was holding a dim light scepter under the twelve-winged holy light angel.

I always felt something was wrong.

feel the same way as him.

There is another person, that is... the two ceremonial gods of war!

The two gods of war are smiling, grateful, and love-seeing.

But after Luo Cheng looked away, his gaze landed on the location of the Holy City Kingdom.

He also had great doubts about the power of the Scepter of Light in Luo Cheng's hands.

In addition, the glorious archbishop of the Holy City Kingdom did not participate in this battle.


The two gods of war did not think much about it.

He was revived and returned to his peak state, and he felt it instantly.

Morgan God of War, and the breath of the other two guardian gods of the Eagle Kingdom.

He stepped slightly on his feet, not even looking at the flame tyrant who was in a stalemate with Xiaohuo.

Go to stop the Morgan God of War and their actions.

went with him.

There is also the blood-clothed elder of the Demon Slayer Organization, and another elder.

Three peak demigods, against three peak demigods.

No matter how you look at it, it is the Dragon Kingdom's side that has a good chance of winning.

After all, the two gods of war can activate the mythical state.

Although, his mythical status is not as powerful as the flame tyrants they are.

But it is not any of the Morgan demigods who can compete head-on.

And Rogge and Bamboo Flute.

But did not follow.

Instead, they were curious and gathered around Luo Cheng.

"Mocheng boy!"

"No, no, according to the rules on your side, I should call you now, Void God of War!"

Rogge looked strangely at Luo Cheng up and down.

Looking at his appearance, he seemed to want to see a few flowers from Luo Cheng.

The bamboo flute next to him is also full of admiration.

"I haven't seen you for a while, but you have successfully broken through to the demigod realm, and you have a combat power comparable to the top demigod level.

"You can even use such a powerful resurrection supernatural power, really...…………Young Yingjie!"

In the eyes of Zhu Di and the others, Luo Cheng, who was not yet twenty years old, was a young boy.

It's just that the talent of this young man is a bit terrifying...

"Haha, Uncle Rogge, Aunt Zhu, my real name is Luo Cheng, you can just call me Luo Cheng."

"As for the resurrection magical power, I just borrowed the power in this authority."

Faced with these two, the elders who once took care of him.

Luo Cheng didn't put on airs.

Regarding the 'Resurrection Divine Ability', he also told the truth.

The scepter of light has been bound to his soul.

Even if others are tempted, they can't take it away.


He also felt that the power contained in this scepter was a little too great.


"Hahaha, no matter what, you saved us. In this world, we can't bring anything from us."

"When we return to the Azure Dragon Realm, we will definitely give you a generous gift to thank you for your life-saving grace!"

Rogge said so, and several other members of the Demon Slayer organization also said yes.

But Luo Cheng shook his head and said solemnly: "Uncle Rogge, Aunt Zhu and all the seniors have come to help us deal with the demons on their own initiative.

"Even, you have not paid such a high price for us."

"I should thank you both in terms of affection and reason."

"After the battle is over, please uncle Rogge to take all the seniors to Jiang Cheng, I will be the host, and invite all the seniors to taste our Jiang Cheng's fine wine! I also invite 530 seniors

Don't think our mundane drinks are bad. "

Saying that, Luo Cheng also brought a happy smile on his face.

He couldn't think of it either.

This scepter of light was obtained from Cardinal Yekechi of the Church of Light in the City of Storms.

It has such a huge power of light.

No matter whether this scepter contains other hidden information.

But now, it seems that he has successfully resurrected everyone and temporarily relieved a crisis.

The divine power of light contained in this scepter.

For him, it is beneficial.

Just when Luo Cheng was reminiscing with Rogge and Bamboo Flute.

The flame tyrant, who was wrapped in the flame domain, also saw the scene just now.

At this time, his eyes were horrified, and his expression was horrified!

He never imagined that the two gods of war he had killed with a great deal of power would be resurrected so easily.

Even...returned directly to peak state!

That young man named Luo Cheng, with the talent of the void.

Why is this......weird?!

The divine beast that stopped him, the three-legged Golden Crow, also seemed to be the boy's pet.

And just now, the terrifying beast that devoured the Great Sun God of War was also his summon.

This man......

It's really a bit wicked.

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