Online Games: Start By Changing To Void God Hunter!

Chapter 480 The Terrifying Lu Fengxian!

A cold voice came from his ear.

Let the rioting power in the mythical body of the flame tyrant calm down involuntarily.

The one who suddenly appeared in the three-talented formation was obviously a very small figure, but it brought him great pressure.


"Thunder, he is already dead?"

The flame tyrant's voice trembled a little.

Some can't believe it.


In his pupils, Lu Fengxian nodded.

Said: "Well, dead."

Hear Lu Fengxian's words.

The look of the flame tyrant completely solidified.

He, the Thunder God, the Lord of Whirlings, the Desert Death God, and Lu Fengxian who appeared in front of him now.

It is the most powerful combat force on Blue Star.

Each of them is well aware of each other's character.

Although Lu Fengxian, the god of war without "Nine Forty Zero", doesn't look very conspicuous, when he is not fighting, he will not show his sharp edges.


The flame tyrant knows it.

Lu Fengxian's character is extremely arrogant.

It's just that his arrogance is rarely revealed to outsiders.

In other words, on the Blue Star, only a small group of people are qualified to let Lu Fengxian have a clue.

And he is one of them...

He knew very well that with Lu Fengxian's character, he would definitely not lie to him.

Lu Fengxian admitted that the Thunder God was dead, then he was really dead.

The flame tyrant looked at Lu Fengxian and was silent for a while.

Around, whether it is Liangyi demigod or Eryi Dachang hide.

Or Luo Cheng and Liu Qingbai who were watching the battle.

All did not speak.

But quietly waiting for the decision of the flame tyrant.

At the moment when Lu Fengxian arrived.

Everyone present, the moods that had been mentioned, all calmed down.

With Lu Fengxian around, no matter how strong the flame tyrant is, it is impossible to make any more waves.

Consider for a long time.

The flame tyrant couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

He looked around at the crowd watching the game, and deliberately stopped for a few minutes on Luo Cheng's body.

Only then did he slowly open his mouth and said, "Can you show me your strength?"

"as you wish!"

Lu Fengxian was very kind and agreed to the request of the flame tyrant.

I see.

Without the slightest psychological pressure, Lu Fengxian gently raised the Fang Tianji in his hand.


"You are too despised!!"

Suddenly, the flame tyrant roared angrily.

Because Lu Fengxian did not turn on the 'mythic state'

Still in normal human form.

But he is a flaming giant six hundred meters tall!

Just looking at the difference in height and size, the current Lu Fengxian is absolutely impossible to be his opponent.

How can I let myself, see his strength?

The Fire Tyrant's idea is surprisingly simple.

He had never thought about it, nor dared to imagine it.

When Lu Fengxian killed the Thunder God, it was the same as it is now... the norm!

Lu Fengxian ignored the roar of the flame tyrant.

On the Fang Tianji in his hand, a large amount of law power gathered, and soon, it condensed into the color of chaos.

And after the flame tyrant felt this power.

The complexion of the whole person has become a little unnatural.

The surface of his mythical body, that has never stopped, has been blazing flames.

But at this moment, it slowly stopped.

If at this time, the body of the flame tyrant is not the flame giant, but his body.

Everyone could see that the cold sweat on his forehead was flowing down unstoppably.

" could it be!"

"Do not...……"

"Do not!!"

The flame tyrant muttered to himself, and suddenly made a terrifying roar.

His huge flame arm suddenly rose.

A huge fire dragon with a diameter of several hundred meters rushed out of his arm.

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The Fang Tianji in Lu Fengxian's hand fell down like an ordinary wooden stick.

But the waves it brings.

But it collided with the huge fire dragon.



The fire dragon roared, but stopped abruptly.

A black full moon-shaped air wave slashed at the body of the fire dragon.

This fire dragon split in half from the middle in an instant.


The flames that filled the sky were swallowed up by an inexplicable force...

Immediately afterwards, these forces merged into the black light that looked very inconspicuous.

all of a sudden.

The black full moon-shaped air wave swallowed the entire fire dragon and appeared in front of the flame tyrant!

But, just when this black light was about to cut open the flame tyrant's body.

It suddenly stopped.

Only a storm fell on the mythical body of the flame tyrant.

The wind and waves caress, the flame... slowly goes out!

No matter how frightened the flame tyrant is, how struggling, how to mobilize the divine power in the body, it will not help.

Under this, the cool breeze brought by the black halberd awn.

The mythical body of the flame tyrant is like a burning furnace.

Encountered a bitter, twelfth-level cold wind in the cold winter and twelfth lunar month.

Although it can resist for a short time, in the end, it can only be extinguished.

The 600-meter-high flame giant is slowing down.

Below, the boiling sea water gradually subsided.

All waves, whirlpools, including backflowing water, storms caused by raging energy.

All at this moment, calm down.

When the 600-meter-high flame giant finally dissipated.

After revealing a 'youth' with long fiery red hair.

The vast sea and the white clouds in the sky all returned to calm.

It was as if everything had never happened since 2.7.

"What kind of power is this...?"

Liu Qingbai stood beside Luo Cheng.

With a bitter look on his face, he looked at Lu Fengxian, who was plain but like a god.

Once again, an unreachable sense of powerlessness rose in my heart.

And Luo Cheng, who he asked about, fell into silence for a long time.

Originally, he was very confident in his Void affinity talent.

Coupled with his second talent, the Holy Body of Light.

He can easily comprehend and control the power of the two laws of void and light.


Even if he was able to comprehend the power of these two laws to a state of perfection.

Can it really be compared to Lu Fengxian?

Luo Cheng didn't know, but he already had the answer in his heart.

"How did he do it?"

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