Qin Mu shook his head helplessly.

Kitten Meow Meow scratched his head there embarrassedly.

Because for Kitten Meow, she didn't know how to thank Qin Mu.

When Qin Mu took out this skill book and said it was going to be given to her, the kitten Miaomiao had already rummaged through her package.

There are indeed a lot of good things in this priest's package, but this good thing is only for ordinary players.

There is nothing good for Qin Mu.

And the most important thing is that Qin Mu's skill book is too valuable, and the contents of her package together may not have the 663 value of this skill book.

So the kitten Miaomiao felt that she had nothing to thank Qin Mu except bowing to Qin Mu.

Qin Mu couldn't help sighing after seeing the state of the kitten's meowing at this time.

"Okay, okay, let's do business next."

Qin Mu just finished saying this, and when he turned his eyes to the poisonous dragon, he received a series of messages.

First a private message.

"Miaomiao Kitten: You are too valuable. I don't know how to thank you. I only have some medicines like this. I hope you don't mind."

Then there is a (acbf) friend request.

Kitten Meow asks to add himself as a friend.

Then there is a transaction message.

The trading column has been placed there, with a pile of various fruits on it.

It was just some fruit, and Qin Mu didn't care too much.

But when he locked himself in checking the information on these fruits, Qin Mu was stunned.

"[Strength Fruit]

Satiety Increase: 0.

Strength increase: 2.

Durability increase: 1.

Duration: 60 minutes.

The sweet and sour fruit does not make people feel full, but the power inside can make people feel stronger. "5

It's a no-brainer for others.

But for Qin Mu, this is no less than a peerless treasure.

the reason is simple.

For those foods that other people take, it's ephemeral.

But Qin Mu's eternal medicine can make him increase his attributes permanently.

The most important thing is that Qin Mu's eternal medicine told him something.

That is, this thing can be superimposed.

You can eat as much Qin Mu as you want.

A fruit adds two points of strength.

Now what Kitten Meowmiao trades for herself is 99 fruits.

This is directly 198 points of strength.

Thinking that Qin Mu couldn't give up, he hurriedly asked the kitten Miaomiao.

"Do you still have this fruit or something similar?

"Yes, I still have several hundred in my bag, do you need them?"

Kitten Miaomiao was puzzled, why Qin Mu looked at him when he mentioned this fruit, and there was a greedy expectation in his eyes.

If this fruit is some kind of peerless magic weapon, Kitten Miaomiao can understand it.

But this is the most common fruit. Although it has a certain price, the fundamental reason is not because the fruit is more precious, but because there are fewer people working as deputy gardeners.

After all, when everyone entered the game of eternity, they mainly focused on leisure and entertainment.

Everyone wants to experience the thrill of another life.

There are not many people like Kitten Meow who are willing to farm.

And Kitten Miaomiao is willing to farm, firstly because he really likes it, and secondly because there should be one or two such people in every gang.

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