Instead, the beggar burst out laughing.

"Haha, the kid is a bit interesting, since you want to see my true strength, then I'll show you, but don't say it randomly.

Speaking of this, the beggar still had such a smug smile on his face.

This proud smile made Qin Mu feel very puzzled, not knowing what was going on.

However, Qin Mu had a faint feeling in his heart that this beggar would not be an ordinary person.

When Qin Mu was imagining it here, the beggar suddenly roared, and then a burst of golden light landed on his body and sprayed all around him.

The light was quite prosperous, and even for a moment, Qin Mu and Jeroka couldn't open their eyes, no one knew what was going on.

But when the golden light fell, they grew their mouths in surprise when they saw the scene in front of them.

The strength displayed by this beggar is really terrifying, is he really such a terrifying person?

Because this beggar is no longer in the same state as before, he is wearing this golden armor, and at the same time there are various patterns painted on the armor.

And the faint Qin Mu didn't know why he could hear the beeping sound after another on the beggar's body.

These sounds sounded like dragons and tigers roaring.

At this time, the name of the beggar has also changed, and his current name is not an ordinary beggar.

His current name is Dorka.

This Zorka is an NPC, Qin Mu can be sure of that.

And what Qin Mu can be sure of is the powerful power and coercion possessed by Zorka.

The most important thing is the drowka's level.

Before that, Qin Mu didn't think the level of this person was.

Because when he saw the beggar before, the level displayed by the beggar was only level 50.

Although this level 50 is not too weak, it is definitely not strong.

But now the level of this beggar or Dorka is completely different.

The drowka's level is now "???".

This means that his level is higher than Qin Mu by more than 10 levels.

Qin Mu is now level 90, above level 10, this Zorka must be level 100 or above.

When faced with a powerhouse above level 100, Qin Mu couldn't help frowning.

Of course, Qin Mu at this time did not expect that Zorka's power would be so powerful.

To tell the truth, for the current Qin Mu, the stronger the Dorka's power, the happier he is.

Qin Mu is not stupid. The stronger Dzorka's power, the more things he can get. Qin Mu came here this time to gain power.

So this Qin Mu at 680 said to Zorka.

"Then can the two of us talk about something serious now? How can you help me? The person you are looking for is me.

Qin Mu said this, his eyes were all calm.

Qin Mu is a little more precise now, and Zorka's real body is revealed in front of him, which means that the person he is looking for is himself, otherwise it is impossible to reveal his identity.

So Qin Mu can get benefits from Zorka, and what the specific benefits are, we will see it later.

Zorka did not expect that Qin Mu would say such a thing to him.

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