"Just here."

Qin Mu said and sat down.

Yu Youwei's nervous mood suddenly relaxed.

"Tell me now, what kind of method is it?"5

Yu Youwei asked again.

Qin Mu didn't speak at first.

He was thinking about his next plan.

Under the urging of Yu Youwei, he said lightly.

"You don't need to worry about this matter, and you don't have to ask so many questions."

"You know my temper. If I want to tell you, you don't have to ask, I'll tell you."

"But if I don't want to tell you, even if you break the casserole, I won't tell you."

After hearing what Qin Mu said, Yu Youwei stopped asking.

Qin Mu is like this. Once his temper is up, even twenty horses can't pull it back.

"Tough ass!"

Yu Youwei muttered angrily.

"You can't know too much."

"How can I not know too much. 35

Yu Youwei said angrily.

Qin Mu shook his head helplessly.

After that, he opened the backpack and began to pack the things inside.

After about half a cup of tea, Qin Mu suddenly said.

"I want to seek justice from the Snow Wolf Tribe.

After hearing what he said, Yu Youwei couldn't help but stand up.

She quickly walked to Qin Mu's side and said to him.

"Qin Mu, are you confused?"

"Then the fighting power of the Snow Wolf Tribe can be shaken by you alone?

In Yu Youwei's heart, there is no way.

But he didn't want Qin Mu to die in vain.

"Then what do you say?

"Are we going to let the dryads die so tragically at the hands of those guys?"

Qin Mu said angrily.

Yu Youwei couldn't come up with any solution at this time, she could only stomp there.

"This is how to do?"

"The tragic death of the dryad family is indeed our fault."

About 15 seconds later, Yu Youwei suddenly turned around and said to Qin Mu.

"Qin Mu, otherwise we two will enter the Snow Wolf tribe together to seek justice from the Snow Wolf King. 55

After Qin Mu saw Yu Youwei like this, he shook his head helplessly.

"What's your expression like?"

"Isn't what I said wrong?"

When Yu Youwei said these words, his tone revealed a little dissatisfaction.

"Nothing, I'm just thinking that you shouldn't join the fight."

Qin Mu looked at Yu Youwei in front of him, he just sighed and said.

When Yu Youwei was about to ask why, she was interrupted by the question.

"Don't ask so much, just do what I say."

Yu Youwei could only helplessly nodded.

"Are you going to the Snow Wolf tribe alone?"

Qin Mu looked at Yu Youwei who was talking, and then let out a long sigh.

"Yes, I will go alone.

After getting Qin Mu's definite answer, Yu Youwei agreed.

The reason why he put it down was that he no longer entered the Snow Wolf tribe with Qin Mu.

It was because Qin Mu had successfully survived the calamity before.

His fighting strength can still be tied with that wolf clan leader, that's about the same.

"You have to be more careful."

Yu Youwei said when Qin Mu was about to leave.

"Don't worry, it will be fine. 99

"You have to be careful yourself.

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