The incarnation of the Lord of the Secret Realm only took five or six steps back to gain a firm footing.


He roared, and the fire on his body became more intense,

As soon as the arm was raised, the whole arm seemed to be hot as magma, and a straight punch slammed into the Snow Wolf King fiercely.

The face of the Snow Wolf King changed slightly, and he hurriedly waved the Heaven Slashing Sabre to resist.


An explosion sounded.

The Snow Wolf King flew upside down more than ten meters again, and several bones in his chest were broken.

"Roar~" The Snow Wolf King let out a painful low cry, blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

The master of the secret realm bullied himself again,

It was another powerful straight punch.

The Snow Wolf King waved the long knife in his hand to block it.

But that terrifying power still knocked the Snow Wolf King to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the master of the secret realm jumped up and stepped on the neck of the Snow Wolf King, his arms wrapped around his head like steel.

Press the abdomen of the Snow Wolf King with his knees.

The other arm clenched a fist and kept attacking the abdomen of the Snow Wolf King.

"Bang bang bang ... a muffled sound resounded in the abdomen of the Snow Wolf King.

The severe pain and loss of strength made it difficult for the Snow Wolf King to break free from the shackles of the Lord of the Secret Realm.


The Snow Wolf King opened his mouth and tried to bite the arm of the Lord of the Secret Realm.

The master of the secret realm had long been prepared to grab the Snow Wolf King by the throat and lift him off the ground.

The Snow Wolf King struggled hard, but he still couldn't get rid of the control of the master of the secret realm.

The Lord of the Secret Realm looked at him and sneered: "What? Did you give up?"

The Snow Wolf King's eyes were extremely cold and full of hatred.

He knew he wouldn't survive.

"You are just a beast, what right do you have to hate me? Hahaha! The master of the secret realm laughed wildly.

These words caused the Snow Wolf King's eyes to burst with intense hatred.

He suddenly widened his eyes, but saw a fierce aura emerge from the depths of his eyes, followed by two energies of ice and flame at the same time.

A huge explosion occurs when they merge with each other.


Explosion sound came out.

A huge energy rushed out from the figure of the Snow Wolf King, instantly swallowing the figure of the Lord of the Secret Realm.


The screams came from the mouth of the master of the secret realm.

Half of the body of the Lord of the Secret Realm exploded instantly, revealing the turbulent power inside.

"Damn beast, how dare you fight with me?

"It hurts me too!"

The Lord of the Secret Realm cursed angrily.

He is will incarnate.

0.・Ask for flowers・

Definitely not to be underestimated.

But the Snow Wolf King's desperate fight before his death almost blew him up.

"Cough cough...

After a while, the master of the secret realm returned to his original state.

It's just that the breath is much weaker.

He covered his wound and coughed a few times, with a hint of panic in his eyes.

If he hadn't dodged in time just now, it is estimated that the whole person would have been blown up.

"What a terrifying guy, even this can't kill him, and he has to force me to use the strongest life-saving means!"5


The master of the secret realm cursed secretly.

Then he stared viciously at the Snow Wolf King lying on the ground.

At this time, the Snow Wolf King has regrouped, and the battle has been mobilized.

He looked at the incarnation of the Lord of the Secret Realm in front of him with fierce eyes, and said coldly and arrogantly.

"You can't kill me!"

"What about the Lord of the Secret Realm? 35

"One day I will overturn everything about you!


Crazy roast!

Looking at the appearance of the Snow Wolf King, the avatar of the Lord of the Secret Realm immediately shouted, spread his wings and rushed out.


A huge shadow hangs over the head of the Snow Wolf King.

The Snow Wolf King's eyes flashed.

He was no longer afraid, but bravely rushed to the people.

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