"Um..." Qin Mu touched his nose awkwardly, "I'm used to it."

"You're always flamboyant!"

Yu Youwei said angrily.

"Haha!" Qin Mu chuckled: "No way, my biggest dream in my life is to be a hero. 39

He said: "Let's get out of here quickly, and leave the rest to the Xuehu tribe.

"In addition, let the god of the secret realm take a look."6

"Let him keep his promise!'35

Hearing his "seven seven zeros", Yu Youwei also nodded.

Her brows furrowed slightly.

At this time, Qin Mu did not see it, and he came to the Xuehu tribe.

As the hero who killed the Snow Wolf King, he was entertained as a guest!

The place to live is huge.

In a courtyard in the Horde Ice Castle, independent and undisturbed.

Qin Mu arrived here with the Snow Wolf King.

Just threw it to the ground.

The battle just now, the consumption is too high, let's rest and recover first.

He sat cross-legged and closed his eyes.

The Snow Wolf King was thrown into a mess and almost fainted.

But at this time he didn't care about the pain.

He opened his eyes with difficulty and saw Qin Mu.

Struggling to stand up.

He stared at Qin Mu with gnashing teeth, wishing to eat his marrow and chew his flesh.

This damn ant actually made him look like this!

"Aren't you going to eat me?" Qin Mu looked at him with a half-smile.

The Snow Wolf King took a deep breath and said, "You don't know, I'm immortal!"

There was a frenzy in his eyes: "You think this is the end? Tell you, no! You are wrong! I will be back! 35

Qin Mu squinted at him: "Really?"

"Yes! Front

"Not only will I recover, I will devour your soul and make you my slave! The Snow Wolf King said sinisterly.

Qin Mu sneered when he heard the words: "I'm afraid you made a mistake.

His expression gradually became solemn and calm.

Looking at the Snow Wolf King seriously, he said word by word: "From now on, you are my prisoner! 95

"If you talk too much, I will punish you immediately and break your hands and feet.

The Snow Wolf King's pupils shrank, and Qin Mu was instantly frightened.

Qin Mu looked at him and pursed his lips.

"Kill me, and you have to be buried with me! 55

The Snow Wolf King growled hideously.

Qin Mu shook his head: "You think I'm a fool?"

"The Snow Wolf tribe is your sphere of influence."6

"As long as you die, this place belongs to the Xuehu tribe..

"At that time, they only need to occupy this place, and I will take you away, and you will not have the ability to fight back against me, are you right?

He stood up slowly, a cruel smile on his face.

"You! You actually want to use the Snow Fox Clan to exterminate my Snow Wolf tribe!"

The Snow Wolf King roared angrily, his eyes were scarlet, as if he was insane.

Qin Mu said indifferently: "If you win the king or lose the bandit, you can't afford to lose.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" The Snow Wolf King roared, "You are despicable!"

"I am the Snow Wolf King!

"I must lead the Snow Wolf clan to tear you apart!

"No, you don't deserve it! 95

Qin Mu raised his hand, and a bolt of infuriating power struck down.

The Snow Wolf King was instantly knocked into the air.

Qin Mu retracted his palm, his face pale 1.5.

But soon recovered.

He let out a breath of turbid air and murmured, "You must not admit defeat. 99

Then he tilted his head and fainted.

Qin Mu couldn't help but smile.

At this moment, the light in the room dimmed, and the next moment, the god of the secret realm appeared.

He looked at Qin Mu and said.

"Did you help me defeat the Snow Wolf King?

Qin Mu nodded.

He said: "That's right, the Snow Wolf King is dead.

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