Qin Mu growled and punched out!

A black electric power burst out from his fist, turning into a thick fog that enveloped the entire mountain.

The black fog surged, turning into a huge and unparalleled Thunder Cloud Mountain, and slammed into the Lord of the Secret Realm.

This huge and unparalleled mountain range actually knocked the entire master of the secret realm into the air!


The Lord of the Secret Realm spit out a mouthful of blood, his face was twisted, numerous cracks appeared on his body, and his protective qi had been shattered.

Qin Mu's attack is even more terrifying than before!

He quickly mobilized the divine power in his body to resist.


With another punch, Qin Mu's body slammed into the chest of the master of the secret realm, directly slamming the master of the secret realm into the mountainside!


The rocks were flying, and the dust filled the sky.

The Lord of the Secret Realm flew out of the ruins, bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

Looking at Qin Mu with a horrified expression: "How could your power be more powerful than my Mi-Jing Jie?"

Qin Mu grinned and said, "This can only blame you for being too weak."

"I have more cards that are useless, so you are not my opponent at all."

"Do you really think you can win?"

Suddenly, a figure flew from a distance, tall and tall, covered in white hair, with a hideous face, and a strong body, like a big mountain.

He looked at the master of the secret realm and said with a smile: "The master of the secret realm, I will help you!"

The Lord of the Secret Realm heard this and smiled: "Very good, it's time for the White Ape God to test your loyalty!"

"Don't worry, I will help you deal with him!""

After Bai Yuan said that, he rushed towards Qin Mu in a flash.

He stretched out his right claw and grabbed it towards Qin Mu, with frost fire flashing on his claw!

"Thunderbolts come, everything is robbery!""

"Thunder God Domain!

The god of the secret realm slapped it with a palm, and a huge handprint suddenly appeared on the sky, with an endless purple lightning in the center of the handprint!

This purple lightning merged with the sky and turned into an incomparably mighty ocean of thunder!

This is the power of thunder!

The power of Thunder God's Domain has been activated!

Cooperate with White Ape to attack Qin Mu at the same time, he is very dangerous at this time!

"You can definitely kill him this time!

The Lord of the Secret Realm smiled.

However, Qin Mu still stood still, allowing the huge Thunder God Domain to suppress him!

"You are crazy!"

The Lord of the Secret Realm widened his eyes.

Bai Yuan was also stunned, but soon showed a mocking look: "Who do you think you are talking to? This is the Thunder Ocean, you are just the carrier of Thunder, you can't escape at all!"

0.. ask for flowers...

However, Qin Mu was still standing still, still waiting for something.

The faces of the master of the secret realm and the white ape both showed surprise.

"What exactly are you going to do?"

Bai Yuan's face gradually became ugly, because Qin Mu's expression made him very uncomfortable.

"It's nothing, I just want to test how much control I have over Thunder.


The white ape was furious.

However, Qin Mu had already started to use the Nine Netherworld Emperor Fist.

He channeled the power of thunder into the ocean of thunder, and suddenly the power of the ocean of thunder skyrocketed!

"how can that be?"

The master of the secret realm was stunned, and the white ape was also stunned!

This is the secret technique that the two of them are best at, but Qin Mu actually used it under their noses, which is really unacceptable to them.

The power of thunder roams in the void, constantly condensing into thick thunder dragons.

These brontosaurus roared out!

"Do not!"

The white ape screamed.

"I killed you! 99 people.

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