"Hahaha, what do you know about a bastard like you!"

"My Snow Fox clan was given power by God! 35

"How can you lowly natives know our excellence?

The Snow Fox King shouted.

The soldiers under him became more and more fierce.

The warriors of the Blood Ox were outraged.

"You don't understand our strength at all, we are the most powerful tribe!"5

"Kill you!

The Blood Bull King was furious, he waved his battle axe, and an axe shadow killed the Snow Fox King.

Cut the space apart and let the Snow Fox King keep going backwards.

"Yes, very powerful, but your battle axe is not good enough!"

The Snow Fox King sneered, disdainfully.

The spear in his hand also waved.

The ice spear of the long spear transformed into thousands of ice phantoms, killing the opponent.

The Blood Bull King was shocked and hurriedly retreated.

But his battle axe was flung away by King Snow Fox's spear, and King Snow Fox's spear pierced his chest.


Blood splattered, and the Snow Fox King drew out his spear.


The body of the Blood Bull King exploded, torn apart, and his flesh splattered.

The blood bull warriors behind him retreated one after another, not daring to confront him.

They didn't dare to attack the Snow Fox Clan, but hid behind to watch the battle.

The Snow Fox King stepped up his attack.

Fast and furious.

The warriors of these blood cows fled.

But how can their speed keep up with the Snow Fox clan?

Soon, they were caught up.

The long spears of the snow fox warriors swung and pierced it.

There is a daring Blood Bull warrior who wants to attack the Snow Fox King.


The Snow Fox King picked it up again.


He gave orders.

The warriors of the Snow Fox clan rushed into the crowd.


The screams came, and the warriors of the Blood Bull Clan were defeated and killed.

The blood bull warrior's combat effectiveness is indeed very strong, but he encountered a powerful race, but it was of no avail.


"Kill! 35

Accompanied by the cry of the snow fox tribe warriors.

The warriors of the Blood Bull Clan retreated one after another without stopping.

The warriors of the Snow Fox clan also went out.

The two sides fought fiercely.

The warriors of the Blood Bull tribe retreated in horror and lost a lot of territory.

The news came back to the god of the secret realm, which made him very angry.

But he was seriously injured at this time, and he really didn't have that much ability to improve his combat effectiveness.

He could only instruct the people of the tribal alliance to elect a powerful warrior.

Let him personally give strength and prepare to hit the strongest blow against the Snow Fox King!

This warrior was quickly found, and he was the king of a hyena tribe.

His name is Ba Wen, he is very powerful, he uses a mace!

Three meters tall.

Seeing him, the God of the Secret Realm immediately gave him the only little power he had, and he was five meters tall!

like a giant.

""Go ahead and lead the alliance against Qin Mu's team!"

"Kill the Snow Fox King! 35

The god of the secret realm ordered.


Ba Wen knelt down and agreed.

He stood up, and the 400,000-strong alliance army immediately set out and rushed towards the army led by King Xuehu.


The soldiers of the Xuehu (Zhao Qianzhao) clan were stopped halfway and could not move forward.

They were blocked by the people of the Union.

And the fighters of the alliance are very powerful, they have more than 400,000 people!

And there are 200,000 people in the Snow Fox Clan!

The gap between the two sides is too big.

The warriors of the Snow Fox clan could only be forced to stop.

The army led by Ba Wen occupied the favorable terrain and overlooked the front.

Ba Wen stood on a boulder, looking at the crowd of snow fox warriors in the distance, showing a hideous smile.

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