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Chapter 1236 The monstrous evil spirit!

A series of muffled sounds came, and the Snow Wolf King attacked its body.

The blood splattered, and the six-legged white tiger beast was smashed on the ground.

The six-legged white tiger beast was suppressed and could only struggle constantly, but to no avail.

Finally, the six-legged white tiger beast stopped struggling.

Lying there quietly, motionless, as if dead.

see this scene.

The Snow Wolf King laughed wildly: "Win!"

Although, he knew his victory was a bit of a fluke.

But, after all, he won.

But just when the Snow Wolf King relaxed, a mutation suddenly occurred.

The originally motionless six-legged white tiger beast suddenly looked up at the Snow Wolf King.


The six-legged white tiger 02 beast opened its mouth and roared, and a terrifying air wave swept out.

The six-legged white tiger beast went straight to the Snow Wolf King.

The power of this terrifying air wave is too amazing.

The Snow Wolf King was blown away several meters before he could even react.


The Snow Wolf King fell heavily to the ground.

He climbed up and stared at the six-legged white tiger beast in horror: "Damn!

He never thought that after the failure of the six-legged white tiger beast, it would be able to burst out with such a strong power.

This simply exceeded his expectations.

He thought he was dead!


The six-legged white tiger beast screamed and stood up from the ground.

Its body is full of scars, but its momentum has not diminished in the slightest, and it is still full of violent colors.

Letting out a roar, he frantically slaughtered towards the Snow Wolf King.

There was a look of fear in the eyes of the Snow Wolf King, and he hurriedly avoided.

His speed is fast, but the speed of the six-legged white tiger beast is even faster than him.

After several fights, the Snow Wolf King was covered in bruises and wounds, and the bones were deep in the wounds.

The Snow Wolf King let out a mournful cry, turned and fled.

But the six-legged white tiger was not going to let it go at all.

I saw it rushed a few steps, jumped up, and slammed into the back of the Snow Wolf King like a cannonball.


The huge body of the Snow Wolf King flew out like a kite with a broken string.

It finally fell to the ground.

"Crack clap..."

His limbs were shattered and he could not walk.

The six-legged white tiger beast lowered its head and bit the neck of the Snow Wolf King.

Tear hard.

Bright red blood spurted out.

The Snow Wolf King struggled, but he couldn't get rid of the mouth on his neck.

Over time, the blood flowed more and more.

The vitality of the Snow Wolf King is getting weaker and weaker.

The six-legged white tiger beast loosened its mouth.

The Snow Wolf King lay softly on the ground.

The six-legged white tiger beast slowly approached him, pulling the Snow Wolf King with its claws.

Suddenly, the originally quiet Snow Wolf King suddenly jumped up and grabbed a long knife that was condensed with energy.

With a puff, it poked into the neck of the six-legged white tiger beast.


The blade of light exploded immediately after entering.


The six-legged white tiger beast let out a roar, and its eyes turned scarlet.

It raised its head and howled, exuding a monstrous aura, as if a monster had descended, causing the entire forest to tremble.

Before Chang Xiao was finished, he saw a group of dazzling rays of light lit up and spread from the wound in an instant.

Then there was a violent explosion.

The huge explosion shock wave swept the surrounding area of ​​more than ten meters.

Trees were broken and rocks cracked.

A deep and wide ravine was left in the snow.

Smoke and dust filled the air, obscuring the view.

a long time.

When the smoke cleared, the scene was revealed.

I saw the six-legged white tiger beast lying on the ground, its whole body scorched black and smoking blue smoke, it was obviously dead.

The Snow Wolf King slumped beside him.

The battle just now seemed easy.

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