"This hatred is unbearable! I must take revenge too! 99

"How do you want revenge?"

"I want him to pay dearly!

"So I need your help.

"What do you want me to do?

The Eternal Ferocious Beast asked.

The Snow Wolf King said quickly, "I need you to leave here and kill Qin Mu. As long as you can kill him, I will definitely thank you! 35

"Oh, why should I help you?

The Eternal Ferocious Beast laughed mockingly.

It is an invincible and powerful presence here.

There is really no reason to be persuaded by a Snow Wolf King who has lost all.

Unless there are real benefits.

Xue 02 Wolf King was at a loss for words, he really did not know the mind of the eternal beast.

But he couldn't think of a way.

Can only bite the bullet and say: "I am willing to sacrifice a treasure in exchange for a way to live!"

He took out a jade slip and handed it to the Eternal Beast.

The Eternal Ferocious Beast glanced at it and was immediately stunned.

"You, what are you saying is true?

He took the jade slip tremblingly.

This is the insight that Snow Wolf King got when he broke through, which is very helpful for advancement.

He continued.

"Except for this jade slip, I also promise to honor you as a totem forever, and every year there will be offerings of supreme treasures and treasures of heaven and earth!"5

"You will always be my lord!"

The Snow Wolf King gritted his teeth and shouted.


"Okay! I promise you!

The Eternal Beast nodded in satisfaction.

The Snow Wolf King said quickly.

"I also hope that senior can help me as soon as possible. I don't know Qin Mu's current situation. If he breaks through again and brings people here, I will definitely die! 35

"Okay, don't worry, we'll agree on this deal!"

"Let's set off here, to the snowy area, to find Qin Mu!

The Eternal Beast said.

The Snow Wolf King was overjoyed and nodded immediately,

But before that, he has to recuperate to replenish the lost energy.

Immediately, he was meditating beside the eternal beast.

Endless spiritual power gathered and poured into the top of his head.

The cyclone above his head kept spinning.

Then, wisps of black mist emanated from the cyclone.

These mists were absorbed, and the scars on the surface of his body slowly disappeared.

After a stick of incense, he opened his eyes, and there was light in his eyes.

Although he was seriously injured this time, he recovered quickly.

The smell of blood on his body also dissipated a lot, and he regained some consciousness.


He suddenly saw the Eternal Beast in front of him.

The Eternal Ferocious Beast was lying motionless on the ground at this moment.

It seems to be sleeping, but its body exudes an unparalleled vicious aura.

"I'm getting out of here! 99

The Snow Wolf King quickly stood up.

Then, he saw the Eternal Ferocious Beast open his eyes, and an incomparably terrifying power enveloped him.

"Are you going to find that human?"9

"Yes, I must kill him! 55

803 Snow Wolf King took a deep breath and said.

He has returned to his peak form.

The Eternal Ferocious Beast stood up.

"Go to the Great Desolate Secret Realm. 99

After all, the Eternal Beast grabbed the Snow Wolf King, turned into a flash of lightning, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The speed of the Eternal Ferocious Beast is very fast, and a few steps are thousands of feet away.

At this speed, even if God Venerable came here, it would be difficult to catch him.

The Eternal Ferocious Beast ran wildly all the way, and soon came to the sky above a towering mountain.

At the foot of this mountain is a wide river, the river is green, flowing with the essence of endless water veins.

The source of this river is the entrance to the prehistoric realm.

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