"You obstructing is courting death!"


At this time, the Eternal Ferocious Beast was beaten back and forth again and again.

His body was full of scars and blood dripping, but he still resisted.

It made a hoarse roar, and a pair of copper bells stared at the Snow Fox King with big eyes, as if to swallow him.

It's just because of the distance that it can't be hit.

Fighting with the last strength, the flames erupted.


It opened its mouth wide, and another mouthful of flames spewed out!

The Snow Fox King immediately dodged, his speed was extremely fast, and he suddenly rushed into the distance.


A flame shot at the position where he was standing just now, directly melting the ground to a depth of one foot, sending out thick smoke.

He widened his eyes in horror.

Eternal beasts can even cast fire spells!


The Snow Fox King hurriedly shouted.

His clan also fled.


The Eternal Ferocious Beast roared again, the flames burning on its body.


This space seems to be collapsing.


Everyone screamed and was scorched by the scorching temperature.

The guards of the Snow Fox King are already dead.

His strength can resist the burning of ordinary flames, and his defense is very strong, so under normal circumstances, he does not need to worry about his safety.

But now that he has encountered the great monster of the Eternal Ferocious Beast, his strength has been suppressed to the lowest point.

At this time, the Black Tiger tribe came.

If they join, the warriors of the Xuehu tribe will not be able to resist the attack of the eternal beasts in a short time.


The flames swept and finally disappeared.

The power of the eternal beast has been exhausted.

But the Black Tiger tribe took the opportunity and launched a charge.

They drove chariots and rushed in the direction of the Snow Fox King.

The target is the Snow Fox King, not the Eternal Beast.

"Boom! 35

The chariot of the Black Tiger Tribe collided with the Snow Fox King.

The black tiger king, headed by him, violently waved the iron hook in his hand!

The Snow Fox King's body was directly knocked into the air, smashing a house and falling into the valley below.

Seeing this, the vicious beast of all ages showed a ferocious look in its eyes!

He doesn't have much ability at this time, but with his huge size, he can still burst out some energy.

Waving its sharp claws frantically, one after another huge rocks fell from the sky and smashed hard on the soldiers beside the Snow Fox King.

Hit by a rock, the body is smashed into a big hole, and the flesh is blurred!

The Snow Fox King was inexplicably angry and gritted his teeth!

At this time, several chariots rushed over, and the chariot with the ram was like a walking fortress, which was very difficult to deal with.

The soldiers of the Snow Fox King were completely panicked.

", "Roar!"

The Eternal Ferocious Beast roared happily.

Unexpectedly, someone came to the rescue in an emergency.

It seized the opportunity and turned its body again, shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This is its skill, walking away with a dexterous body at a critical time.

Shrink to a few dozen feet.

The nine heads were also optimized by the reduced power.


These chariots hit the Snow Fox King.

Before reaching the place, he was shot by the Snow Fox King with an ice spear and flew out.


An explosion sounded (the money is good), and the car body was hit with a dent.

These chariots were also knocked over, and the Snow Fox King seized the time to stab the Black Tiger King at the head.

The Black Tiger King quickly raised the iron hook in his hand to block the Snow Fox King's spear!

The body flew backwards, landed on the ground, and slid several hundred meters all the way to stabilize the figure.

"Pfft! 35

The Black Tiger King vomited blood.

At this time, the rest of the chariots also rushed to surround him at once.

protect his safety.

The Snow Fox King looked alert.

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