"Is it a disaster?"

The warriors of the Snow Fox tribe shouted.

The Snow Fox King also looked ahead.

He knew that it wouldn't be an eternal beast, but he couldn't hunt it down at this time either.

Can only go back.

At the same time, the warriors of the Black Tiger tribe scattered and found the eternal beast that was hiding in the mountains!

The Black Tiger King walked over without taking his weapon, and bowed his head slightly in a salute under the gaze of the Eternal Ferocious Beast.

"The great beast of all ages, I'm here to specifically tell you that "803" will kill you, and your injury can be cured.""

"And soon!"

"Just devour the creatures of the Snow Wolf Tribe."

The Black Tiger King finished speaking.

The Eternal Ferocious Beast on the opposite side glared involuntarily.

"Black Tiger King, is what you said true?

There was excitement in his tone.

This is undoubtedly great news for him, this is for him.

It is the most important healing holy product!

The Black Tiger King nodded and said, "Of course! 35

The Eternal Ferocious Beast rolled his eyes and said, "Let's lead the way.

"As ordered!"

The Snow Fox King shouted.

He immediately drove in the direction of the Black Tiger Dynasty Xuehu tribe.

And the Black Tiger King did not dare to stop.

He was afraid that the experts of the Snow Fox tribe would follow him.


The black tiger king roared, and the speed skyrocketed.

While running, he used the Eternal Ferocious Beast as a mount.

Also enjoyed it very much.

The Eternal Ferocious Beast was very fast, and he soon came to the periphery of the Snow Wolf Tribe.

The Snow Wolf tribe here is still gregarious.

It's just that the Snow Wolf tribe at this time has been eliminated from the force, and they can only farm and hunt with peace of mind.

Many Snow Wolf people are cleaning.

They all felt a tyrannical aura enveloped the entire Xuehu tribe.

The Black Tiger King let the ancient beasts rush directly to the gate of the tribe and smashed the gate!

The snow wolf warriors in the tribe shouted: "Not good!"

But it was too late, the Eternal Ferocious Beast rushed in, knocking these warriors apart like a goddess scattered flowers.

"Let's start devouring, my Eternal Ferocious Beast!

The Black Tiger King stepped back to the side.

The Eternal Ferocious Beast immediately stared at it with fierce eyes and swooped on it.


Its roar shocked the entire Snow Wolf tribe.

In an instant, a large number of warriors fell to the ground, and their blood was sucked dry by the eternal beasts!

At this time, a large number of wolves also rushed out.

"Ow! 35

The wolves were howling.

They seem to feel the terrifying energy in the body of the eternal beast..

The Eternal Ferocious Beast opened its big mouth, revealing its sharp fangs, and bit down on the snow wolves.

"Crack, clap!

Snow Wolf's body was torn apart!

They didn't even make a scream, and they were eaten so that there were no bones left.

And the flesh and blood of these wolves were also swallowed up.

After the Eternal Ferocious Beast devoured these snow wolves, the body actually added a bit of blood red.

The eyes of the Eternal Ferocious Beast after devouring it were full of ecstasy.

Just like what the Black Tiger King said.

This blood is the best tonic for him and has endless benefits for him!

He devoured these snow wolves constantly, growing himself.

This is a gluttonous 1.5 meal, it does not know how many snow wolves it has eaten!

The soldiers of the Snow Wolf Tribe were all frightened.


"What monster is this!"

"This is the beast summoned by the Black Tiger King, it is about to slaughter the city!

"Let's go!"

Everyone did not expect this beast to be so powerful.

But how could the Eternal Ferocious Beast make them retreat like this, and immediately stretched out the nine newly grown heads, and various abilities exploded!


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