Qin Mu immediately unleashed his best divine attack.


The divine consciousness attack directly attacked the head of the eternal beast.


The Eternal Ferocious Beast screamed and swayed a few times.

Qin Mu continued to attack.

Another foot stepped on the forehead of the eternal beast.

The Eternal Beast quickly counterattacked.

Spit out ice energy.

After Kaka froze, the Eternal Ferocious Beast took the opportunity to get up.

And Qin Mu was forced back.

But he didn't have any fear at all and continued to come.

He was anxious and prepared to suppress the Eternal Beast first, and then go back to rescue Yu Xiaowei!

The hearts of the eternal beasts are extremely fearful.

After all, Qin Mu has already left a deep impression on him.

Especially the power of his strong suppression, there is still a chill in his heart.

If you are a little distracted, you will surely die.

The Qin Mu attack came again.

The energy spear fell like a shuttle.

Covering the head of the eternal beast.

The Eternal Ferocious Beast roared, and all nine heads were raised at the same time.

It spit out flames in front of it.

The flames turned into a huge fireball and attacked Qin Mu.

Qin Mu's spear landed on the fireball, and the fireball went out instantly.

Immediately activate the energy in the body to form a layer of mask protection.

The flames fell on it, shattering it.

The mask also collapsed.

Qin Mu shot again.


The Eternal Ferocious Beast roared wildly, constantly changing positions to dodge, trying to avoid Qin Mu's attack.

It has to be said that the defensive power of the Eternal Ferocious Beast is still very amazing.

Although Qin Mu's attack was sharp, it never broke his defense.

The speed of the eternal beast is getting faster and faster.

A smirk appeared at the corners of his mouth.

In the end, he even reached a speed that the naked eye couldn't even catch!

Qin Mu's eyes were slightly solemn, and the spear in his hand suddenly disappeared.

He moved forward, grabbed his hands on the handle of the long spear, raised his body, and stabbed fiercely towards the eternal beast!


Qin Mu's fists slammed on a head of the Eternal Beast.

The body of the Eternal Ferocious Beast froze, and then collapsed suddenly.

On the ground, a pile of ashes fluttered in the wind.

The ground was dented by the heavy blow, and one of the heads of the Eternal Ferocious Beast was shattered, leaving only eight.

His body twisted violently.

Qin Mu was shaken and flew upside down.

He was condescending, staring at the eight heads of the eternal beast without blinking.

He could clearly feel the life fluctuations of the eternal beasts.

"This guy's vitality has actually recovered a lot from before! 35

Qin Mu was surprised, but at this time, he saw the head in the middle suddenly widen his eyes.

A blood-red breath emerged.

Like a ghostly place.

Only then did a big boney hand reach out and grab Qin Mu's leg.

It turned out that the function of this head was to open the gate of the netherworld and summon a corpse of the netherworld.

The owner of the big hand of bones, 820 is a Skeleton King in the nether world!

The remaining heads of the Eternal Beast opened their mouths and bit Qin Mu together.

Qin Mu's eyelids jumped suddenly, and he quickly stepped back.

He just took a few steps back when the eight heads of the Eternal Ferocious Beast came together.

The fusion of a beam of light quickly rushed over.

And Qin Mu's leg was grabbed by a big hand of white bones!


Qin Mu fell to the ground.

"Damn, how can these ancient beasts have such a strong attack power!"5

Qin Mu gritted his teeth.

When he was forced back by the Eternal Ferocious Beast, he sensed the danger, but he could no longer care about it.

The power of the big hand of bones is powerful.

Qin Mu directly raised the energy spear to bombard.

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