There was boundless joy in his heart!

The Eternal Ferocious Beast did not dare to continue to resist the purple fire, and rushed out quickly.

Qin Mu's body drew an afterimage in the void and rushed out.

Eternal beasts ran wildly all the way.

Although Qin Mu's speed is not as fast as the Eternal Beast, his physique is strong enough.

Catch up soon.

A vortex of energy appeared in the palm of his right hand.

Gathered into a shape of a hill, and smashed fiercely on the back of the eternal beast, "Eight Two"!


The Eternal Ferocious Beast was smashed to the ground again.

"Boy, I can't spare you!"

The Eternal Ferocious Beast roared wildly and charged forward again.

He knew that he couldn't stop, otherwise he would be caught up by the remnants of the Snow Wolf clan behind him.

Qin Mu is also constantly chasing and killing, and the speed is not fast.

It's enough for the Eternal Beast!

"This eternal beast is so cunning, I never imagined such a change would happen! 35

"However, with the remnant soul of the Snow Wolf clan, it is possible to force the Eternal Ferocious Beast to reveal its flaws.

"I have to take this opportunity to kill him.

Qin Mu thought while chasing.

In any case, the strength of the Eternal Beast is beyond his imagination, and it is by no means easy.

The power of heaven and earth here is extremely rich, and the efficiency of Qin Mu's absorption is very high.

He quickly reached his peak!

At this time, the Eternal Ferocious Beast, which was disturbed by the remnant soul purple fire, became irritable and its speed weakened.

Qin Mu caught up to its side, condensing strong light in his hand to form an energy gun.

Quickly stabbed at the back of the eternal beast.


A loud noise came, and the body of the Eternal Ferocious Beast was pierced, and its body burst.

A black fog flew out of it and fled into the distance.

Qin Mu followed closely and shattered the black smoke.

But at this time, he saw the eternal beast raised its head.

Its eyes looked straight ahead, and it slammed its claws and curled up.

However, he saw Zi Huo flip and was restrained.

Pfft puff!

A scream rang out, and the remnants of the Snow Wolf Clan dissipated.

And this time.

Qin Mu also found these, and he quickly went back.

Seeing the Snow Wolf Clan struggling between the claws of the Eternal Beasts, he was filled with kindness.

want to save.

He raised his hand suddenly and swept across, and his true essence swept across.

With violent power, it turned endlessly, like a flame.

The flames swept away!

Then quickly closed, wrapping the claws of the eternal beast.

The flames scattered the remnant souls of the Snow Wolf clan.

At this time, the Eternal Ferocious Beast also used the black energy emanating from its body to force back the remnant soul of the Snow Wolf Clan.

At the same time he let out a roar.

However, the surrounding air did not turn around, forming a solidified shield.

Qin Mu wanted to charge, but was blocked.

Can't break through for now.

Just when he was worried, the remnant souls of the snow wolf clan abruptly separated, and then turned into two giant ghost wolves.

They each let out a wolf howl and swooped forward.

The front is the body of the eternal beast.

But he was not afraid of the shock.

Looking at the front with cold eyes, the black cyclone flipped, and there were ten thousand beasts roaring.

This is the power of all beasts, and it is very effective against ghosts.

Formed into a giant wolf that charged towards the remnants of the snow wolf clan like an iron chain!


The power of all beasts binds the giant wolf!

The remnant souls of the Snow Wolf 1.5 clan struggled to break free, but they were still tightly bound.

Then, the power of the beasts began to converge.

"Do not!"

Qin Mu's heart skipped a beat.

The remnant soul of the snow wolf clan is about to collapse, and the power of all beasts will also disappear.

But the remnant soul of the Snow Wolf Clan broke free.


He roared angrily, and a huge sole stepped out of the void.

One step will fall on the blockade of the power of the beasts!


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