Online Games: Start Three Consecutive Sss-Level Talents

Chapter 1285 Hundred birds return to the forest!

The giant beast struggled, trying to get up!

But Qin Mu didn't mean to let it go at all.

He punched again, smashing into the beast's chest.

This blow gathers the power of the whole body!


A huge explosion came out.

The powerful impact directly pierced a blood hole in the descendant of the giant beast.

It fell down again, bleeding non-stop, with fear and panic in its eyes!

"Do you still want to escape?"

Qin Mu smiled coldly "820".

Just as he was about to send out his ultimate move to completely resolve it, he suddenly felt a slight jump in his heart and looked up at the sky.

In the distance, the silhouette of the Eternal Ferocious Beast quickly fell.

Qin Mu's eyes sank slightly, and there was a gleam in his eyes.

The appearance of the Eternal Ferocious Beast at this time made him really feel pressure.

You can only let go of this giant beast first and turn around to deal with the eternal beast!

The speed of the eternal beast is extremely fast.

In the blink of an eye, it was already close.

"court death!

Qin Mu let out a loud roar, then raised his hand and slammed it down.

The Eternal Ferocious Beast also condensed the power of all the beasts it swallowed, and the two bombarded together in an instant.

Qin Mu's palm was bounced back by the power of the beasts, he couldn't help groaning and took a few steps back.

Feel a burst of blood churning.

"What a powerful force!"

Qin Mu was secretly surprised.

The power of the beasts of the ancient beasts is too overbearing!

And although Qin Mu is strong, after all, his cultivation is not strong enough, and he is only able to resist with the ability of the lord of the flood.

It still hasn't reached the point where it can withstand such a huge force.

After retreating to a certain distance, his legs became weak and he almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, Qin Mu stabilized his body in time.


The Eternal Ferocious Beast roared again.

Its size is larger than before, and even more than doubled.

Moreover, the scales on its entire body are like iron sheets, extremely hard.

Qin Mu felt that his attack fell on it, leaving only deep marks, but not hurting it in the slightest!

This is the power of the eternal beast.

Use potential to stimulate defense and form a counterattack.

At the same time absorb the power of all beasts.

It is worthy of being a thousand-year-old monster.

Qin Mu could only work hard.

I saw a black shadow whistling in the sky, turned into a giant long knife, and bombarded the eternal beast.

The Eternal Ferocious Beast roared.

Several remnants of hideous heads swayed.

A beam of light spewed out of his mouth.

After the rumbling explosion, the beam shattered the long knife.

However, at this time, the knife light quickly rotates 0..

At the same time, Qin Mu's palms swelled, pulling the Shattered Knife Light back like a thread.

Like a hundred birds returning to the forest, rushing towards the eternal beast!


A long knife cuts in.

Blood was flying.


The Eternal Ferocious Beast cried out in pain, roaring and struggling, trying to break through the blockade of these long knives.

But the number of long knives is too much, dense like raindrops!

Falling on the body of the Eternal Ferocious Beast caused him to be in unbearable pain and kept howling miserably.

He immediately backed away.


The Eternal Ferocious Beast roared, and the sound waves rolled like a tide.

Even the earth trembled as if it was about to collapse, full of hatred for Qin Mu.

And the giant beasts that were created also rushed to 1.5 to attack.


Qin Mu let out a low voice, and the power of the prehistoric in his body poured into the surface of his body.


His skin turned purple.

A layer of metal texture emerges.

This metallic pattern covers Qin Mu's body.

One after another, like a horned dragon, the blue veins twisted and twisted from his body.

And his eyes turned red.

In the red eyes, a violent aura was surging.

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