"Crack clap clap!

On the head of the eternal beast, the scales are peeling off!

After being pinched by Wan Xingtian's hand, the head of the ancient beast was crushed.


The Eternal Ferocious Beast let out a shrill cry, but then a head dissipated.

And Wan Xingtian's face showed an excited smile: "Hahaha... This is the best supplement for my cultivation!"

"Peace be swallowed by me! 35

While speaking, he attacked the other heads of the Eternal Beast again.

The poor Eternal Ferocious Beast had just been bombarded half to death by the thunder, and was suppressed by the 02 strong at this time.

He could only roar loudly, gather several heads together, and spit out an energy attack suddenly.



"Bang bang bang!"

The thunder and energy collided, and the fire splashed.

Eternal beasts are full of firepower!

And Wan Xingtian's body disappeared again.

The next moment appeared next to the head of the eternal beast, and the energy in his hand gathered into a sword.

At this time, the head of the Eternal Ferocious Beast had already been chopped to pieces.

The body has no defense ability.

Wan Xingtian's fingers easily poked into the head of the ancient beast.

The head was immediately torn open.

"Bang bang bang!"

Several heads were broken.

Only the last boss remains.

Wan Xingtian's palm stretched out violently, hitting the Eternal Ferocious Beast.


The Eternal Ferocious Beast let out a mournful cry.

Was bombed into nothingness, leaving only stumps and blood floating in the wind.

A demon god fell.

Wan Xingtian's figure flashed, greedily looking at the corpse.

This is his last energy supplement!

He can't waste these things.

Now I need to devour these things to greatly improve my strength

Wan Xingtian sat cross-legged on the ground and swallowed these remnants.

An hour later, Wan Xingtian stopped devouring.

Absorbed the energy of the ancient beasts.


Wan Xingtian opened his eyes.

His eyes became extremely dark.

"Eternal beast, you are really good!

Wan Xingtian sneered at the corner of his mouth, then stood up.

These things are great supplements for him, and his strength has been improved by a level!

"Qin Mu, the next step is to find you! Hahaha!

Wan Xingtian raised his head to the sky and laughed wildly, his figure flashed, turned into a mass of black gas, and disappeared.


Qin Mu who was in the ice castle suddenly stopped and frowned and looked around.

He noticed something, and a vigilant look appeared on his face.

"Not good!

A dangerous premonition suddenly rose in his heart!

However, it is impossible to say exactly where it is wrong.

At this moment, Wan Xingtian stepped on the ground where the thunder fell.



Countless lightning flashes across the void.


Wan Xingtian stepped on the lightning and rolled his arms directly.

But a ray of light swept across.

Formed the momentum of slashing the sky and bombarded it out.

Light and thunder are hard regret.


The two sides collided, and a deafening sound broke out.

Thunder shattered on the spot.

Wan Xingtian's figure stagnated in the void, and the thunderbolt also turned into nothingness at this time.

At this time, Wan Xingtian looked up.

I saw that the light in the sky was dim, and the thunder dissipated.

No more violent looks like before!

Wan Xingtian sneered in his heart.

He looked around proudly.

Without the appearance of the Eternal Ferocious Beast, the surrounding animals gathered.

Seeing this, Wan Xingtian's smile became even deeper.

He waved his hand and swept across, but saw a force of attraction appear, rushing towards the nearby fauna.

"Squeak! 99


"Ow ooh!

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