
The air trembled.

The big man's figure suddenly appeared in one direction.

He twisted suddenly, turned and charged towards Wan Xingtian.

Wan Xingtian frowned.

But there was no pause in the movements in his hands.

One punch!

A golden airflow visible to the naked eye galloped forward.


The airflow collided with the void in front of each other, causing a violent explosion.

A fist mark appeared, and above the fist mark, there was a faint golden lightning snake flickering.

The big man's fist was hit.

A stinging pain 02 passed over.

"Ah~! 99

The big man screamed and flew back.

"Bang! 95

His body fell heavily to the ground, blood pouring out of his mouth and nose.

The big man's face was full of fear and disbelief.

What a monster!

His attack turned out to be ineffective?!

Wan Xingtian sneered: "Since you don't say it, just die!"

Then he raised his hand and blasted out.


His fists were like cannonballs, bombarding away with terrifying coercion.

The big man was so frightened that his face changed greatly.

He knew that he was not the opponent's opponent, this punch.

He had to dodge it, but now he has scars all over his body, and he can't dodge at all!

He watched as his fists slammed.

Eyes widened.

At the juncture of crisis, I saw a man rise into the sky and fall.


A sound like a tiger's roar sounded.

A giant tiger claw appeared in the sky, heavily bombarding the body of Wan Xingtian in front!

Wan Xingtian's fist was also interrupted, and his eyes narrowed slightly.


A low, banging sound came from Wan Xingtian's body.

The clothes on his body fluttered in the wind, like a demon king.


The fist bombarded him, making a loud noise.

But Wan Xingtian was unscathed.

"Huh?! 39

A trace of doubt flashed in Wan Xingtian's eyes.

Who is this person?!

How dare he stop himself?!

Wan Xingtian's figure rushed towards the man like a ghost.


The man roared up to the sky, the smoke dissipated, and his true body emerged.

Very strong, like a human-shaped beast.

This person is the black tiger king of the tiger clan!

He looked at Wan Xingtian with sharp eyes and said coldly.

"Dare to come to my tiger clan to play wild and court death!"


The voice fell, and the Black Tiger King waved his arm again and slapped towards Wanxingtian.

This time, his palm was actually covered with a layer of black scales, which looked extremely ferocious and daunting.

It is a secret skill of the tiger tribe: black tiger claws.

Once this trick is used, a black tiger image will appear.

This existence can instantly turn into tiger claws to attack the enemy, and the strength will be increased by more than two times.

Wan Xingtian sneered.


Wan Xingtian also slammed into the Black Tiger King with a punch.

833 The two fists collided and an explosion sounded.

Wan Xingtian's figure flashed, and he appeared behind the Black Tiger King.

The black tiger king suddenly twisted his body, and a black tiger pounced towards Wan Xingtian and bit him.

Wan Xingtian stomped on the belly of the Black Tiger King.

The black tiger king flashed quickly.

However, as soon as he fell, his figure stopped, and then he rushed forward.

Turn around and hit Wanxingtian.

Wan Xingtian stepped on his feet.

The figure also jumped up and rammed towards the Black Tiger King.


The two collided again, and a huge energy fluctuation erupted.

This time, neither of them landed on the ground.

They collided in mid-air, and a terrifying force burst out, crushing the surrounding trees and rocks into powder.

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