Online Games: Start Three Consecutive Sss-Level Talents

Chapter 1333 Old and weak women and children!

Qin Mu waved his hand, "It's not your fault, you tell us, what exactly is that mysterious magic circle?"

Luo Tian was silent for a long time, then slowly spit out a few words: "Wan Xingtian! 35

After hearing the words "Wan Xingtian", both Yu Youwei and Qin Mu were shocked, followed by intense anger.

"That person is not the Black Tiger King at all, or he was temporarily occupied by something, the dark aura of that magic circle is Wanxingtian!""

Qin Mu was silent.

He knew that the magic circle was an evil magic technique mastered by Wan Xingtian. It temporarily possessed itself and used the power of darkness to make the possessed person soar in strength.

850 "It was him! 35 Qin Mu said.

"Yeah. The three of them, together with me, can't deal with Wan Xingtian. His power is really terrifying!" Luo Tian said.

"Behind the Black Tiger King, is Wanxingtian!"

No wonder the black tiger king dared to be so arrogant and dared to be the enemy of Qin Mu, it turned out to be him, Wanxingtian.

Qin Mu was silent, with a thousand thoughts in his heart.

After a while, his eyes became sharp: "It seems that I will go to the Tiger Clan to investigate in person."

After he finished speaking, he stood up, turned his head over, looked directly at Yu Youwei and said, "Continue to take care of Luo Tian, ​​I'm going to the Tiger Clan.

Yu Youwei bit her lip: "Is this really the case? Are you sure you can deal with him?"

Qin Mu smiled, he knew what Yu Youwei was worried about.

He said: "I'm just going to inquire about some information, don't worry, I won't act recklessly, I will try my best to find out the flaws in Wan Xingtian, and then kill him!

Yu Youwei still looked worried, and Luo Tian also persuaded: "Why don't I go with you, there are many experts and it is not suitable to take risks.

Qin Mu: "It doesn't have to be like this, your injury is not easy to worry about, let's go after your injury is a little better.

"I have my own arrangements for this matter. I will go first. You have a good rest."

"When I come back, I will bring you good news. 99

After saying that, he left the house.

Looking at Qin Mu's back, Yu Youwei sighed.

"Be sure to return safely..."

(acbf) After Qin Mu left the ice castle, he went to the tiger clan's territory without stopping.

But the further he walked, the tighter his brows became.

Why are there so many refugees on this road?

He walked towards a group of refugees

Most of these people are old and weak, women and children, their bodies are dirty, their eyes are dull, and the few soldiers around them are also scarred.

Some of them can't even walk steadfastly, swaying every step of the way.

"What's going on? How did it develop like this?

Looking at this picture, Qin Mu was shocked.

What happened to these people? Why do they all look like this.

He stepped forward, wanting to ask these people.

But when these people saw him, it was as if they had seen a plague, and they all retreated, with precaution and fear in their eyes.


Qin Mu was stunned.

"Don't be afraid, I have no malice." Qin Mu said.

Yet those people were still reluctant to approach him.

Qin Mu had no choice but to stay away.

"What happened to you? 35

Qin Mu asked.

An old old woman said: "This little brother, you don't need to worry about us, please get out of here! 99

Qin Mu was stunned and looked at the surrounding crowd of refugees.

"What's the matter with you?" Qin Mu asked again.

"This... this is all caused by the tiger clan.

A woman cried.

"The Tiger Clan? What did the Tiger Clan do? Qin Mu asked.

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