Online Games: Start Three Consecutive Sss-Level Talents

Chapter 1431 Well-behaved and sensible!

Qin Mu walked into the house and closed the door.

He looked at Granny Liu and said, "Ma'am, who is this?"

"Her name is Aunt Liu, an elder from my parents' house, my fifth grandmother, came to chat with me specially today, and we just sat together.

Mrs. Qin introduced.

"Oh, it turned out to be the fifth grandmother." Qin Mu cupped his hands.

"Haha, good boy!"

Aunt Liu said with a smile, seeing the book in Qin Mu's hand, she was both surprised and admired.

"Young man, you are so lucky to have such a beautiful daughter-in-law. 55

"Yeah." Qin Mu said modestly.

"But I see that you have become a Juren at a young age, which is really enviable. 02"

"Thank you for the compliment." Qin Mu bowed slightly.

"Qin Mu, your knowledge is much better than that of the private school gentlemen in the village. Teach my grandson!

Qin Mu was startled, then smiled and said, "I will go to Beijing to take the exam in three days, I'm afraid I won't have the chance."

"Oh, then why didn't you tell me earlier? I want my poor little grandson to prepare early and participate in the imperial examinations earlier." Aunt Liu patted her head, a little annoyed.

"It's okay, I can teach him later." Qin Mu said with a smile.

"That's really great, you are our only evangelist, but you have to teach my incompetent grandson well.

Don't let him fool around. If he squanders his money indiscriminately, you can tell me, my grandmother will never let him go. 39

Qin Mu nodded quickly.

But Mrs. Qin couldn't listen anymore, she smiled and said: "Five grandma, you are not looking for me to chat, you are always looking for your husband, it really makes me uncomfortable.

At this moment, Granny Liu remembered her main task, and said with a smile: "Look, look, my brain, I almost forgot the business."

As she spoke, she took out the thing she was holding in her arms and put both hands in Qin Mu's hands.

Qin Mu looked at it and found that it was two silver notes.

The face value of each one hundred taels of these silver notes is two hundred taels in total.

This Granny Liu is really generous, that is, Mrs. Qin's family, Liu's family, is doing a small business and has some money in the village, but two hundred taels is not a small amount.

Mrs. Qin hurriedly shied away: "Grandma Fifth, how can this be made? How can I accept it.""

"You kid, are you still so polite to me? Besides, in our village, Qin Mu is a scholar.

He is going to Beijing to take the exam. Money is needed everywhere, can you take care of it more?

Lady Qin listened to what she said.

It was not easy to refuse, so I had to reach out and take it.

Qin Mu put away the bank note and chatted with Granny Liu for a while before saying goodbye to Granny Liu.

Lady Qin sent her out.

After a while, Mrs. Qin came back.

Qin Mu took the initiative and said to her: "After eating, let's go for a walk to eliminate food.

Lady Qin Liu Chan is a gentle and virtuous woman, how could she say no, the two used 913 to finish the meal and went out together.

The two walked under a big willow tree, Qin Mu suddenly stopped, Liu Chan didn't know what he was going to do, and looked at him suspiciously.

Qin Mu turned his head and smiled: "Madam, you are really a well-behaved and sensible woman.

Liu Chan blushed and said angrily, "Husband, don't do this. How am I so clever and sensible?"

"Ma'am, I left my hometown this time, and I won't come back." Qin Mu said.

Liu Chan said in surprise: "You really won't come back? But...but I can't bear you.

"You can also go to the capital with me.

Qin Mu said seriously.

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