Online Games: Start Three Consecutive Sss-Level Talents

Chapter 182 Hunting and killing sea beasts, transforming working men!!!

The dragon skin of the storm dragon was obtained, and it was successfully transformed into an ethereal spirit.

Qin Mu did not return to the Blue Flame Islands immediately.

"Perasius, do you know that there are unopened ancient ruins on the sea nearby? 99

he asked.

"My lord, I have been here for decades, and I have been to the surrounding islands, and there are absolutely no ancient ruins on the sea.

The storm dragon Pelatheus shook his head and responded.

Qin Mu touched his chin and thought for a while.

The greedy dragon is very sensitive to places with treasures such as ancient ruins.

even if it's not turned on.

They will also covet and miss the treasure inside.


There are really unopened ancient ruins on the surrounding sea "One Thirty Zero", and it is impossible for Pelasius not to know.

It seems that the ancient ruins are likely to be on the bottom of the sea.

"Void Summoning"!

"Void Summoning"!

"Summon Void Dragon King"!

Qin Mu waved his hand.

Summoning circles and void portals appear out of nowhere.

Void Spirit Commander, Void Spirit Predator and Little Dragon, the three major sub-god battle powers.

All were summoned.

"Master!" x2

As soon as the ethereal commander Zakes and the void predator Kha'Zix came out, they immediately knelt down and said hoarsely.

Qin Mu nodded.

Then, the figure of the young dragon also slowly appeared from the teleportation array.

"My king!"

The thousand-meter-long storm dragon, Perasius, bowed his head to the small and cute-looking little dragon, and said reverently.

Although, both are sub-god-level dragons.


The little dragon is an imaginary dragon king with the blood of an ancient dragon.

This is the suppression from the blood of the king.

In addition, the little dragon is the queen of the ethereal dragons appointed by the system.

Even if the storm dragon is a mythical BOSS.

When you see a little dragon, you have to bow your head as obediently as you see Qin Mu, the master of imaginary spirits.

"Yahahah..." (Yeah, Ba Ba has tamed another giant dragon, get up!)

Surprise flashed in the pupils of the little dragonfly giant dragon, a milky babble sounded in his mouth, and he waved his little fleshy hand.

Then he turned his head and ignored the storm dragon.

The bright little eyes rolled around and found Qin Mu's figure.

next moment!


The little dragonfly flapped its wings excitedly and flew towards Qin Mu.

He rubbed his head affectionately.

Signal to Qin Mu, stroking its head.

"Hmm~ Master, Shanaido also wants to...

When Shanai Duo saw this, Ruyan walked over with her short legs as if she was throwing her arms in her arms, and ran over. ?


Qin Mu looked at the two little guys in tears.

Only one per hand.

The little hatchling and Shanaido narrowed their eyes slightly, enjoying the head-to-head killing.

She glanced at the centaur who looked envious.

Qin Mu breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the centaur is more sensible.

Otherwise, his two hands are really not enough. ??

"Okay, let's go hunt some sea beasts above the epic level."??

"It's best to be fast in the water and bring their dead bodies here."

After rubbing the two little girls for a while, Qin Mu immediately gave an order.

Then, the Kuroshio avoids the water droplets and distributes them.

Let them go hunting.


Qin Mu intends to find the sea beast worker and help him find the coordinates of the ancient ruins in the water.


You can also directly ask the location of the ruins from the mouth of the sea beast.

"Yes, Master!" x6

In addition to the monarch octopus Hachi.

A total of four sub-god bosses and two legendary bosses.

Divide into five teams immediately.

Escape into the sea 0..

Hunt sea beasts!

Centaur and Shanaido are only legendary bosses.

But as star gods, they have many skills and their bonuses are extremely terrifying...

Killing legendary bosses is easy.


Killing an ordinary sub-god-level boss is also no problem.

It just took a little longer.

"Xiao Ba, let's go down too!

Qin Mu rode on the monarch octopus, Xiaoba, and followed him into the sea.

After half an hour...

The epic and legendary bosses around Hyjal Island have all been emptied.

Back to the island.

Thirty-three corpses of giant sea beasts emitting a terrifying aura were stacked in front of Qin Mu.

the smallest one.

There are hundreds of meters in size!

And the one that hunts the most is naturally the professional hunter Kha'Zix, who has extremely high single burst damage and is very sensitive to his prey.

Killed 8 legendary bosses by yourself.

How much longer than Qin Mu!

Release the souls of 20 Golden BOSS Doomsday Raiders again to make room.

"Void Spirit Transformation"!

"Void Spirit Transformation"!

"Void Spirit Transformation"!

It has unlimited 1.5 firepower and does not need to consume MP.

The void energy in Qin Mu's hand jumped, and the transformation of the ethereal spirit was continuously cast.

Souls floated from the sea beast's corpse.

He was quickly transformed into a virtual spirit by him...

"Ding! Congratulations to the player "Master", who successfully transformed the soul of the giant rock turtle (Epic BOSS) into an ethereal spirit!

"Ding! Congratulations to the player "Master", who successfully transformed the soul of the deep-sea magic tooth shark (legendary BOSS) into an ethereal spirit!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the player "Master" for successfully converting the soul of the Scaled Demon Fish (the legendary BOSS) into an ethereal..."

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