Online Games: Start Three Consecutive Sss-Level Talents

Chapter 223 Life Star Fruit, all the ruined monsters are coming!!!

The rich life breath of the Eternal Tree erupted vigorously.

Instantly filled the entire ruins.

Where the breath goes.

The monsters in the ancient elf ruins went crazy.


Monsters run wild.

In the ruins, almost all the monsters rushed towards this side like crazy.


It came like a mountain and a sea.

The earth shakes.

"Come on good!!! 35

Qin Mu grinned.

It just happened to be wiped out, and there is no need to search slowly.


Set your eyes on the tree of eternity.

Can be seen, treetops.

A little more starlight.


【Strategic Treasure·Tree of Eternity】

Grade: ninth-order myth (can grow)

Effect 1: The tree of eternity has an extremely strong vitality, which can purify negative effects and grant elves longevity. Non-elf units can also greatly increase their lifespan.

Effect 2: Elf growth speed +500%, normal NPC growth speed +100%, player experience gain +200%

Effect 3: The tree of eternity will bear a star fruit of life, which can instantly restore 100% HP and 100% MP after taking it, and greatly increase the speed of HP recovery and MP recovery. Duration: 10 minutes.

Introduction: This is an eternal divine tree that is full of life breath, blessed by the wonderful starlight life energy, and will bestow blessings on all things.

A ninth-order mythical strategic treasure.

Non-elf units can greatly increase their lifespan.

The growth rate has almost doubled.

The fruit that bears on the tree can even be restored to its full state in an instant.

Greatly increases HP recovery speed and MP recovery speed.

No wonder...

These monsters will rush over so madly.

This time!

Qin Mu understood.

Leaving him alone, he also rushed over to take this moment's Eternal Tree as his own!

"Xanadu, protect the tree of eternity.

Qin Mu opened his mouth and said.

"Okay, master! 35

Shanaido answered crisply.


Qin Mu turned around immediately.

"Everyone, prepare to fight!"

His voice was not loud.

But let the elf girls, involuntarily obey the command.

Enter combat mode.

Even they do not know why, they will obey the orders of the human born.


Because, they have become the subordinate race of Qin Mu.

Qin Mu waved his hand.

"Void Summoning"!

The portal opened wide, and all Void Spirits appeared.

Including, Lord of Doom and Lord of Shadow.

as well as……

In the shadows, the five shadow corps and 20 mythical phantom shadow dragons appeared.

Countless puppets cannot pass through the portal directly.

But came quickly.

"Shadow Corps, Doomsday Demon, two natural disaster generals, and these 20 mythical black shadow dragons that have never been seen before."

The two priestesses were stunned for a moment, muttering in their mouths, somewhat absent-minded.

These are familiar Scourge generals and monsters.

are different from before.

On his body, there is a layer of dark fire of nothingness.

There is a void energy flowing in the body like the queen.

Is this the means of this human-born man?

Terrible so!


"Tread, step, step!!!""

"Boom, boom, boom!!!"

The earth trembled.

Countless monsters have come quickly.

Except for the monsters that have been emptied in the rear.

There are monsters coming from the other three directions.

Down to ordinary, elite level monsters...

Up to the second and third order mythical BOSS.

"The Great Wave"!

"Doomsday Volcano"!

"Dark Shadows"!

"Arcane Torrent"

Void spirits all have spellcasting skills.

Divided into three directions, killing the relic monsters that are constantly attacking.

Priestess of the Moon and Priestess of Nature also swing their scepters quickly.

Arcane and natural energies surged out.

The second-order mythical elves, the Shadow Assassin and the Templar Assassin, jumped from the back of the wind god dragon.

The graceful posture is agile.

Like a few spirits dancing among ferocious monsters.

Very beautiful and gorgeous.

Every time!

The sharp double-blade dancing in his hand will easily take away the lives of several legendary bosses.

Perfect interpretation of beautiful and deadly.

Kha'Zix disappears and appears.

With a very high explosion!

It quickly harvested the life of the mythical BOSS in the field.

Rao is so.

Accompanied by millions of monsters, they came one after another, like a wave.

Thousands of Void Spirits.

It is still impossible to quickly destroy so many monsters at one time.

Except for Queen Azshara's side, the queen crushed it strongly.

the other two sides.

Although, there are two priestesses of the same sixth-order myth that support it.

Available with...

The fourth-order and fifth-order mythical bosses began to appear in the monsters.

The two of them couldn't kill quickly.

And so on.

I am afraid, unable to stop so many monsters.

Soon they will be swallowed up.

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