Without the blessings of these great armies, his words against Queen Elasa would be a little tricky.

Queen Elasa also saw the dark lord clan's patriarch, and after the look of confusion in his eyes, he swung the long sword in his hand.

Prepare to launch an attack on the dark lord clan chief.

But the patriarch of the dark lord clan is not stupid now. After he saw the situation of Queen Elasa, he also quickly held the long knife in his hand.

He knew that if he didn't take out his weapon again, it would be somewhat difficult to fight against Queen Elassa.

Queen Elasa and the dark lord family are also mutual, looking at each other, they can see the look in each other's eyes.

They just rushed straight towards each other.

At this moment, Queen Elasa was holding a sword and flew over like a goddess in the sky. On the other hand, the patriarch of the dark lord clan held a long sword and flew towards the black killing god like a Queen Elasa.

The two of them also took two steps backwards after fighting hundreds of times in the sky, that's right.

Now it can be seen from the situation that Queen Elasa and the dark lord clan chief should have a balance of power.

However, Queen Elasa is a little unwilling in her heart now, because he is slightly stronger than the dark lord clan chief, although the dark lord clan chief has the blessing of the army.

But this is not the reason why he can tie with the dark lord clan chief.

Queen Elasa has very high requirements for herself, and Queen Elasa is now holding the long knife in her hand again.

Prepare to release the essence of your own origin to have a showdown with the dark lord clan chief.

But unexpectedly, the patriarch of the dark lord clan saw Queen Elasa's move, and he was afraid that he would release his strongest blow in advance.

The sky is also full of thunder, and now the thunder words all over the sky are forcibly landed.

Queen Elassa only knew that if she didn't take action, she would be severely injured by these thunderstorms when she saw the thunderous words in the sky.

At that time, it was very bad, and he also hung the long sword directly on his head.

Sitting cross-legged in the sky, after reciting the formula several times in his heart, the long sword suddenly turned into a shield like a rain of swords and hit the sky.

The armies in the audience can also see the strength of these two people's spellcasting, especially the dark lord clan's patriarch actually summoned a thunderstorm in the sky.

But looking at him on Queen Elasa's side, he was also using the sword in his hand to evade these thunderstorms lightly.

The patriarch of the dark lord clan also saw that Queen Elasa was able to block his own attack so easily, and only knew that if Queen Elasa was not seriously injured during this sitting time.

After that, it was a very difficult possibility for him, and he also rushed straight to Queen Elasa.

However, although Queen Elassa was talking about condensing the formation, he was also distracted and saw the dark lord clan chief attacking him directly.

He also knew that if he didn't do something, he would be seriously injured by the dark lord clan chief.

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