Online Games: Start Three Consecutive Sss-Level Talents

Chapter 360 The whole area is flying sand and rocks!

"Can these ancient beasts be able to kill these clansmen led by me?

"Stop being delusional."

Queen Azshara was of course cursing at this moment.

Although he also knew that he might not be able to win this battle.

But he still has to retain that kind of momentum as a queen.

Those clansmen also rely on these air chambers as their last strength.

If he has lost his fighting spirit at this time.

Then the clansmen he led will probably be defeated.

Then the young soldiers who were evacuated just now have no way to continue to leave this place.

Only 240 can be as described by the patriarch of the dark lord clan, they will eventually be defeated like this.

The capital of the dead that their clansmen have gone through untold hardships to obtain.

I am afraid that all the clansmen of the dark lord clan will be occupied in the end.

At that time, if you want to regret it again, I am afraid there is really no chance.

Even if academician Qin Mu came to help, there would be no chance.

Queen Azshara also knew that the reason why Academician Qin Mu did not act must have his intentions.

This battle is the blood feud between their clan and the clan of the dark lord clan.

If Qin Mu plus (acbf) were involved in this battle, they would be invincible even if they were victorious.

It will definitely be ridiculed by the clansmen of the dark lord clan.

In fact, he has long wanted to use this battle to completely attack the patriarch of the dark lord clan.

Including the demon army that he led.

Let the dark lord family disappear from this world again.

Let him never dare to step into this place again.

Let a mighty nightmare arise in their hearts from this battle.

In the face of these huge black creatures, Queen Azshara knew that something was wrong.

I am afraid that these clansmen that I lead will really die here.

Queen Azshara again cast the powerful magic he had cast before.


After the magic was cast, it protected him like a strong wind.

It flew towards the dark creature that was facing him closest.

Suddenly, the whole area was filled with sand and stones.

Those fallen leaves all turned into swords.

Immediately afterwards, I saw some flames coming from the thin body.

After these sparks, some crisp metal crashing sounds were heard.

At this moment, those black monsters also made a shrill scream.

Queen Azsara saw the result, and a smug smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

After that, he turned around and said loudly to the clansmen.

"Don't be reckless, we need some tact to deal with these dark creatures."

After those tribesmen heard Queen Azshara's words, they all nodded.

They all gathered around Queen Azshara.

After some orders from the queen, these clansmen knew some of the truth.

They all used the tactics they had learned before, and began to deal with these dark creatures.

It didn't take long for some mages in the team he led to come out.

They all rushed forward.

They first used the powerful magic shield to trap those dark creatures in the magic circle.

The archers behind him began to use the feather arrows blessed by spells to attack.

Immediately afterwards, a crisp crashing sound was heard.

Suddenly, the scene on the entire battlefield changed.

The team led by Queen Azshara before this.

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