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Chapter 371 Has affected the entire battlefield!

The Queen of the Undead had confessed to Qin Mu before.

He thought that Qin Mu came to this battlefield at this time, and he was bound to be able to solve it.

There is also the patriarch of this dark lord clan, and the army of demons that he leads.

And the dark creature summoned by the powerful magic circle.

With the power of other people, these dark creatures have no way to kill them all.

If they do not rely on foreign aid, there is no way for them to completely evacuate from here.

Just like what the patriarch of the dark lord clan said.

Even if they fled to the ends of the earth, they would surely be found.

At this time, the academician Qin Mu has come to the battlefield here.

His words and deeds have affected - the entire battlefield.

And the next situation.

If in this - time natural position.

It is very likely that the patriarch of the dark lord clan will take the opportunity to escape.

Therefore, the Queen of the Undead turned around and said to the clansmen behind her before those clansmen were aware of it.

"Don't have any thoughts, Qin Mu has already come here, we are completely saved.

Those tribesmen still do not understand.

They looked at each other one by one, thinking that what the Queen said might not be realized.

The queen has already seen the doubts in the hearts of these clansmen.

So he said to those tribesmen.

"What's the matter? Don't you believe it?"

The few clansmen present nodded involuntarily.

Several other people also agreed.

"Queen, it's not that I don't believe you, it's that I don't believe the guy standing in front of me at all."

"Why can he speak such big words, the patriarch of the dark lord clan, his fighting power is obvious to all. 35

"None of us clansmen can deal with that guy."

"How could he be able to deal with him alone, isn't this a big talk?

After the clansman finished speaking, the Queen of Undead looked in the direction of the other clansmen.

Those clansmen also showed the same expression, and they all frowned.

He frowned, as if thinking about these things.

The Queen of the Undead sighed deeply.

"Well, I knew you would think so, I've already thought about these things."

0.. ask for flowers...

When those clansmen heard what the Queen of the Undead said, they were even more shocked.

One of the tribesmen still couldn't hold back the doubts in his heart.

He was the first to step forward and speak to the undead queen.

"My Lady Queen, in fact, we don't have any other intentions, we just have some concerns.

"After all, the patriarch of the dark lord family is too powerful. 39

"The dark creatures he summoned, our fighting strength simply can't solve it.

"It's really impossible for him to do it alone, I think you should know.

After the man finished speaking, he looked at the Queen of the Undead with pious eyes.

Not far away Qin Mu was still standing there, motionless.

And the strange dark creatures opposite him became even more manic.

They are always ready to attack here.

"kill him……"

And those Demon Race troops were also whispering.

The Queen of the Undead looked back in the direction of Qin's tomb.

He suddenly felt that the entire sky was full of the powerful magic circle people displayed by the patriarchs of the dark lord clan.

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