Online Games: Start Three Consecutive Sss-Level Talents

Chapter 386 The strong light shone into ashes!

"And the attacks and revenge of the demon army under his hands.

"If they continue to stay here, they will definitely be killed by those guys. 35

"Am I worried about my clan?

"The safety of their lives is my biggest headache. You have to say that I stay the same wherever I stay~.""

"Those demon armies are not much of a threat to me.

After the Queen of the Undead finished speaking, she gasped for breath.

At the beginning, he didn't want to enter the city of the gods, and he was a little afraid.

As he just said.

There are still some guards on the outskirts of the city of the gods.

The duty of those guards is to keep out all the forces of darkness.

There are also souls like these tribesmen led by the Queen of the Undead.

This city of the gods has many fairy world masters.

They practice here and recuperate.

Absolutely will not be disturbed by anything.

If something disturbs them, then their practice time will be forfeited.

"Forget it, since you said so, I don't have to go on."

"So as not to say in your mouth that I am the kind of person with a small stomach."

After getting Qin Mu's permission, he waved again in the direction of the people's shock.

Those clansmen immediately came to his side.

"Your Majesty, what do you mean by calling us here?"

Those armies of undead came to the Queen of the Undead.

He expressed the doubts in his heart.

"Don't talk too much, the master is already angry now. 39

"It's because I said more things that I shouldn't have said just now that he was sulking."

The Queen of the Undead stopped after saying this.

"Let's go quickly, if you don't leave, the demon army will really rush over."

After hearing Qin Mu's answer, the Queen of the Undead immediately turned around and said to the clansmen.

"Did you all hear that?"

"The master is calling us to hurry up and keep up, and don't fall behind. 95

These souls followed in the footsteps of the Queen of the Undead, chasing in the direction where Qin Mu was.

It didn't take long for their team to come to the jurisdiction of the City of the Gods.

Those gathered souls saw the golden light emanating from the city of the gods.

0.. ask for flowers...

They stopped immediately and began to hesitate.

No longer dare to move forward.

"Queen, how did you bring us here, don't you know?

"This city of the gods has no way for us souls to enter.

The dead soul walking in front of the team immediately became nervous and stammered.

The Queen of the Undead stepped forward and patted her on the shoulder, speaking to her.

"Don't worry, I've already thought about these things.

"If it wasn't for the master's intention, I wouldn't be here."

After the Queen of the Undead finished speaking, she looked at the more powerful souls in the teams next to her.

"You each lead your own clansmen, and quickly catch up with the master's footsteps, we will enter this city of gods in a while.

As for what the Queen of the Undead had said, the faces of those undead souls showed astonishment.

"Queen, have you been tricked by that guy?"

"We entered the city of the gods, and we have not been wiped out by the strong light. It must be a trap for me not to go. 35 people

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