Online Games: Start Three Consecutive Sss-Level Talents

Chapter 391 There is already a decision!

Qin Mu has long seen what the Queen of the Undead was thinking.

So he turned around and said to the clergy behind him.

"Don't follow me, go down first.

After the clergy left, he continued.

"As I said before, the men led by the Queen of the Undead are the guests here.

"You don't have to be as strict as before, you should show the appearance of entertaining friends."

These clergymen left one after another after receiving the order.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Mu turned around again and looked in the direction of the Queen of the Undead.

"Okay, everything here has been resolved, I'll still show you some things~.

Saying this, Qin Mu turned around and walked in one direction.

The Queen of the Undead saw that the master had left the place.

He quickly followed in his footsteps.

On the way, the queen who used to gallop on the battlefield silently followed behind Qin Mu.

He didn't say a word.

"Why don't you talk? It's not like your character."

Qin Mu suddenly stopped and turned to look in the direction of the Queen of the Undead.

The Queen of the Undead shivered when Qin Mu asked this question.

"Oh, no... I'm not thinking about anything, I'm just a little unfamiliar here and feel a little cramped.

The Queen of the Undead deliberately used environmental issues to prevaricate all doubts in her heart.

He didn't dare to ask Qin Mu, what was the reason?

He knew if he asked these things.

Academician Qin Mu will not take out all these things.

This is the city of the gods, not the city of the dead that he had been thinking about before.

"I know you must have doubts in your heart, why should I set aside your troops and take you alone."

Qin Mu's face still showed those Xu smiles.

This made the Queen of the Undead feel that the person in front of her was really not easy.

In this city of gods, he still has to restrain himself.

After all, the environment here is still somewhat unfamiliar.

If he touches any taboos, he will be hard to say.

And now those people under his hands have also been branched out.

At this time, if the chaos is Qin Mu intending to do something to her, does he still have room to do it?

These have been haunting his mind.

0.. ask for flowers...

He had already made a decision, and that was that he would be powerless to fight back.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you. Since you recognize me as the master, I will be responsible to you to the end."5

"Besides, how can I tolerate my family being attacked from outsiders?

"The patriarch of the dark lord clan is not something we need to consider now. 99

"You need to think about something else now. 35

The Queen of the Undead felt a little puzzled about the other thing Qin Mu said.

But these still aroused his desire.

Immediately, he regained his energy and began to ask about what he just said.

"Master, what is the other thing you said just now?

Qin Mu laughed when he heard this.

"You, it really makes people feel a little overwhelmed.

The Queen of the Undead scratched her head a little embarrassedly.

"Come on, what is it? 35

The queen was a little anxious.

He really didn't understand.

Under such circumstances, Qin Mu could still joke around so calmly.

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