Online Games: Start Three Consecutive Sss-Level Talents

Chapter 395 You have to make it clear!

"These people can only suffer in silence. 99

After finishing speaking, the Queen of the Undead was ready to get up and leave.

"You stop for me, what I just said.

"Didn't you hear? The Undead City can be repaired."

When Qin Mu said the last sentence, his tone increased.

Especially when he said the words Capital of the Undead, his tone was even more serious.

"But that has already been destroyed, how can it be repaired by strength?

"It wouldn't take so long to fix my clansmen.

The Queen of the Undead saw Qin Mu's eyes, and he said impatiently.

The reason why I say this is because I got the matter of being locked in the capital of the dead from the mouth of the elders before.

Also know that the dark lords are their nemesis.

"Those of your clan have been blinded by the signals released by the patriarch of the dark lord clan.

"The reason why he will destroy the capital of the dead is to break your obsession with the capital of the dead.

"After he can assemble the army, it can be repaired again."

Qin Mu didn't stop.

The Queen of the Undead didn't know whether to obey or not.

"At that time, if they enter the capital of the dead."

"It is very likely that the things that your clansmen have worked so hard to protect will really change hands.

"And once the city of the dead recognizes its master, I think you should know the consequences.

The Queen of the Undead was speechless by Qin Mu's question.

He didn't know what words to answer.

He knew the strength of the man in front of him.

But what he said about restoring the capital of the dead, is this really true?

There is no basis for judgment.

And his current amount of information is extremely limited.

Those capable men and lofty ideals under his hands did not follow.

If there are a few older elders who come with them, they will also make some suggestions.

But now he is the only one left.

No one came up with ideas, only Qin Mu could tell him here.

If things like that are really as simple as Qin Mu said.


Then the hard work they have done before has paid off.

If there is no way to solve it, then the time they have wasted may never be found again.

It can only stay in this city of gods, and is oppressed by various forces.

Even with the protection of Academician Qin Mu, he would still be coerced by some clerics.

They are, after all, an army of undead.

The Queen of the Undead thought again and again, but still wanted to get some important clues from Qin Mu's mouth.

"What exactly is the way, you should make it clear."

"Don't just reveal a little bit of information here, you're just making people anxious. 39

The queen is like the kind of character who does things in a hurry.

He felt very painful for Qin Mu's previous actions.

Always so slow and methodical, not at all in a hurry.

"I know, you're thinking about the way I do things. 55

"But you thought that there must be order without doing things.

"Don't grab your beard and eyebrows, you won't know what to do at that time, and I shouldn't do anything.

The Queen of the Undead heard Qin Mu talk about some philosophical things here.

He really didn't want to listen to it.

But he wanted important information out of his mouth.

He still frowned and remembered all the things Qin Mu said.

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