Online Games: Start Three Consecutive Sss-Level Talents

Chapter 415 The powerful fortresses are connected!

"You're standing there and starting to make that noise here, it's really scary."

The Queen of the Undead stepped forward and said with some fear.

At this time, Qin Mu did not reply all his worries in time.

He was just thinking that in the illusion of space at that time, he saw that these two subordinates had been beheaded by that powerful force.

In that environment, he saw these two proud subordinates, after they were beheaded, he was really heartbroken.

After he found the secret in the illusion, he finally felt relieved.

If the two of them were really killed by that powerful force.

Qin Mu knew very well what kind of results such a thing would bring.

He used the powerful fortress created by these two tribes.

It is very likely that it will not produce as powerful an effect as before.

270 Besides, if the elves do not have the protection of the elves.

Those of their clan did not quite believe that they would bring them into a powerful age.

And those undead tribes behaved the same way.

So Qin Mu was still a little scared.

But after seeing this scene, he finally felt relieved.

"Master, don't lie to us, are you really okay?

The Elf King came up and anxiously wanted to inquire about Qin Mu's situation.

After seeing his appearance, Qin Mu gave him the exact answer.

After getting the reply from the master, the elf king was relieved.

The anxious look on his face gradually began to calm down.

"Master, we are ready, we don't know when we will be able to live...

Halfway through the words of the Elf King, he stopped.

So he turned to look at the Queen of the Undead standing behind him.

The two of them looked at each other.

"What are you looking at me for? If you want to know what's going on here, just say it. 39

The queen continued to speak angrily.

"Don't look at me, okay? I trust the master."

"He must have a way to connect the mighty fortress we've worked so hard to build."

Qin Mu looked at the two subordinates, and a smug smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He knew the thing the Elf King said (acbf).

When he first built this fort, he had already thought about it.

The elf king must want to quickly enter that powerful fortress.

Although they are a family of elves, they are also threatened by some evil forces from this world.

If you don't seize such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, you will have to wait.

Not to mention the Queen of the Dead.

At that time he was oppressed by the dark forces.

If he didn't do it himself, I'm afraid those powerful creatures summoned by the clan leader of the dark lord clan would attack.

It is also to crush all their clansmen under the soles of their feet, so that they have no place to turn over.

This time, the Queen of the Undead was relatively calm compared to the elves.

He didn't have the fiery temper he had on the battlefield before.

"Don't you two stop arguing here, is it annoying?"

After Qin Mu finished speaking, he walked away, and the elf king and the undead queen immediately stopped arguing.

"You guys should know where I just entered?

In fact, when Qin Mu began to roar loudly at the void, the two of them stood in front of him blankly.

The reason why I didn't attack it was because I wanted to get the protection of the city of the gods,

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