Then Mr. Han continued to talk to Little Loli.

"There are a lot of players gathered there, including some high-level players, they can't let our team leave so easily. 55

"We have been severely traumatized in the Sky Rift dungeon missions before, and we can't beat all the players in the episodes there. 35

Regarding the seriousness of what Mr. Han said, Little Loli didn't care about "three-five-zero" at all, and he looked in the direction of Qin Mu.

"Isn't there an army of undead led by Qin Mu?

"Those big armies are one hundred against one hundred, and it is impossible for these high-level players to escape from our hands."

"If we defeat all of them, then all the equipment on them will belong to us, isn't it beautiful!"

Little Loli said with a smile.

"See if you think too much, the target team led by Qin Mu has not yet appeared in front of everyone."

"The reason why he sent the undead army back was because he was afraid that those players would see his true fighting ability."

"Did I say you're stupid? What the hell is in your head?"

Little Loli felt that her IQ was being crushed.

He came to Qin Mu's side a little unwillingly, and said all the words in his heart just now.

He wanted some comfort from Qin Mu.

"Little Lolita Han did nothing wrong. If you kill that player there, you know the consequences will be quite serious. It's impossible for us people to retreat. It's just a gathering of some players."

Little Loli wanted to refute, but Qin Mu continued.

"I know there must be some doubts in your mind.

"Since those players have already come here, they are all alone, how can there be such a huge team.

"To kill or defeat them completely there can also add a little honor and record to your team.

When Qin Mu spoke, he turned his eyes to the direction of the little loli.

"Yeah, that's what I thought, am I wrong? 99

Little Loli said a little unwillingly.

"You just got it wrong, if you beat them there, we wouldn't be able to come to the auction.

After Qin Mu said this, he followed the directions on the map and headed towards the auction site..

Leaving the little loli standing there at a loss.

"I'll just say it, Qin Mu won't agree with your idea just now.

Elder Han has already come over, patted the little loli on the shoulder and said.

"Forget it, you can do what you say. Anyway, this matter is over."

"All those things I do are for our team.

After thinking about it for a long time, Little Loli shook her head helplessly.

He followed in the footsteps of Mr. Han and walked in the direction of the auction.

After a cup of tea, they have arrived at the auction site.

A lot of players have gathered here.

After seeing the scene of 1.5, Little Loli couldn't help but shouted.

But then he realized that the mistake he made just now immediately covered his mouth.

Dejectedly, he came to Han Lao's side.

"Boss, I was wrong, don't scold me, I couldn't help it just now."

Like a child who did something wrong, Little Lolita came to Elder Han's side and took the initiative to admit her mistake.

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