That's why Qin Mu is so calm, he must understand all the current situation to ensure that he will not be in any danger in the future.

Only in this way can he feel at ease to explore the secret realm of the sky.

After Qin Mu had said all the thoughts in his heart, Old Han and Little Loli couldn't help showing a look of horror on their faces.

They never thought that Qin Mu would spread the matter to this point, and the two gave a thumbs up and Jin Tan's voice echoed in Qin Mu's ears.

"It's really wonderful. I didn't expect you to make such a plan. This is really a shock to us 02."

"It's our thinking that is too superficial. If this matter is completely handled by us, there will definitely be a big problem. 35

Qin Mu looked at Mr. Han and the little loli present at this moment, and he didn't say much.

Then after Xiao Luoli and I understood all of Qin Mu's thoughts, they no longer hesitated and did everything according to what Qin Mu said.

Although there was a faint smile on Qin Mu's face at the moment, he looked at the guys around him who were staring at him.

Qin Mu knew in his heart that if he really wanted to fight against the Rakshasa clan, the flies in front of him would have to be dealt with.

His thoughtful voice echoed in the ears of everyone around him.

"Know what your purpose is, you want to get the gold coins on me, if you really plan to do this, then you should do it now, don't waste too much time.

Qin Mu's voice echoed in everyone's ears, and everyone couldn't help gasping for a breath of cold air after hearing what he said, and they never thought that they had been discovered.

Originally thought that they were well hidden, but now it seems that they have indeed been discovered by Qin Mu.

After the cold look on Qin Mu's face fell, he immediately released the powerful power around him, and the others present naturally no longer hesitated.

Anyway, their location has been discovered. If there is any hesitation at this time, it will only bring them more danger, so the guys directly pulled out their weapons and surrounded Qin Mu talking.

You can clearly feel the gloomy aura released from their bodies.

Qin Mu felt the gloomy aura released from their bodies, with a helpless look on his face, and then said word by word.

"Do you really think you can beat me with a lot of people? Don't forget that I also have two generals by my side.

After he finished speaking, he immediately glanced at Elder Han and Little Loli beside him.

He was very sure of the fighting power of the two.

Of course, to deal with these little guys in front of him, he 367 would not let two people take action at all.

When Qin Mu was thinking about it, Little Loli had already taken out the Qinglong Water Sword that she had just obtained.

"I just got this sword at the auction, and I haven't tried it yet. Reaching out just gives me a chance to try out how powerful this sword is. 99

There was a cold look on Little Loli's face, and his voice echoed in everyone's ears.

For a while, when everyone heard what he said, they couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Because they can clearly feel the little loli after finishing speaking.

The powerful aura released from the whole body made all of them feel panic and anxiety.

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