Qin Mu, who became a slave, spent every day in troubled work and lived a life like a year.

But he was still dumbfounded.

"Impossible, it is absolutely impossible for me to become a slave. There must be something wrong with this. I clearly remember that I took a rest after returning with Mr. Han and Little Loli. 99

"This must not be the world I am in, is this a dream?

He tried hard to wake himself up and tried pinching his thighs, but he could clearly feel the pain coming from his body.

At this moment, he knew that things were more serious than he thought, and at that moment he seemed to suddenly realize something.

"That's right, illusion, this 380 must be an illusion, the people of the Rakshasa clan may have found someone to perform illusion on me after they knew they couldn't fight against me, trying to destroy my will.

Thinking of Qin Mu here, a cold smile suddenly appeared on his face, because at this moment he had already thought of a way to deal with it.

The way to deal with this is very simple, that is, he destroys his own will. The purpose of those guys using illusion is not to kill his own life, but to destroy his own will.

This shows that he wants to get something from himself. There is no need to guess that it must be a member of the Rakshasa clan. When he thinks of this, he will naturally find a way to break this illusion.

However, Qin Mu searched for a long time in his own way and could not find a breakthrough, which made him feel a little uneasy.

With a helpless look on his face, he fell into contemplation, thinking about how he should break through next.

A faint smile appeared on his face, and he had never been able to find a breakthrough. He wanted to completely destroy his will.

This is what those guys want to see. As long as the other party finds that his will has been destroyed, he will definitely unlock this illusion.

At that time he can find out who is secretly doing all this to him.

It must be returned tenfold to those guys.

An extremely cold look appeared on his face, and then he began to adjust his state.

In the next days (acbf), he still spent that kind of suffering and torment, and soon he no longer resisted at all, and his eyes became blurred.

It has to be said that the current state has completely entered a very strange state, just like walking with the dead.

In fact, all of this happened to Qin Mu himself. He knew that only in such a state could the other party be able to unlock the illusion.

Sure enough, when he maintained this state for the third day, he clearly felt that the illusion around him began to loosen, and his memory began to change.

Fortunately, he kept calm through his strong will, and after the illusion was completely resolved, he returned to normal.

Of course, the person in the dark doesn't know that he has returned to normal now, let alone what kind of state he is now.

They slowly approached the room where Qin Mu was.

At this moment, Qin Mu's whole body released a powerful force, and he could clearly feel his anger at this moment.

It is also a normal thing, after all, those guys want to destroy his will through illusion.

How could he easily let that guy go, the moment when he released a powerful aura all over everyone.

Those who were close to him outside felt a chill after feeling the power.

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