He knew that this was the result of being destroyed all the time in the illusion, so in the first time after he woke up, he directly released an incomparably powerful force.

That power spread out in a short moment, shocking all those guys who were about to assassinate him.

It was precisely because of this that he was able to buy time for himself with the people of the Illusory Realm family.

He has successfully bought himself a lot of time, and he is also recovering from his injuries.

After Qin Mu's injury recovery was completed, a dignified look appeared on his face, and he knew in his heart that the Illusory Realm clan must have made an agreement with the Rakshasa clan.

They must have reached the kind of agreement they just said, so the people of the fantasy family will take such a risk.

No matter what happened, he would never let it continue to expand.

An extremely solemn expression appeared on his face, and he began to make arrangements for the first time.

When he was empty, the Rakshasa Patriarch also discussed the next strategy with his cronies.

"Although I don't know if what happened today was really a misunderstanding, or if it was intentional by the Illusory Patriarch, one thing is certain, that guy will never let us go after Qin Mu is dealt with.

The voice of the Rakshasa Patriarch echoed in the ears of those closest to him.

After this guy heard what the Rakshasa Patriarch said, his face showed an incomparably solemn look, and then nodded slightly, and his voice echoed in the Rakshasa Patriarch's ears.

"We don't know if it was an accident or a coincidence this time, or if someone did it intentionally, but you are right about one thing, the patriarch. If we don't do it, those guys may attack us at any time. Strong can.

His voice echoed in the ears of the Rakshasa Patriarch.

After hearing what he said, a faint smile appeared on the Rakshasa Patriarch's face.

Thoughtful voices echoed in the ears of the cronies.

"If I'm not mistaken, you must have a more detailed plan to listen to now. If possible, we will follow the plan you said."

After the Rakshasa Patriarch's voice fell, the cronies at the moment did not hesitate at all, and told the Rakshasa Patriarch all the things that he was going to do next.

At this moment, the face of the Rakshasa patriarch also showed murderous aura, and he obviously decided to do what his subordinates just said.

He entrusted this matter to the person he trusted most.

He waited in secret.

At this moment, the Illusory Realm family on the other side told the old man who had just led the team about everything here.

After the old man learned about the situation, he also felt that such a thing was unbelievable, but that guy was hit by an illusion, and the patriarch of the illusion family was sure that he was not pretending at all.

This misunderstanding almost caused great losses to both of their families, and it has to be said that even the old man could not help but start to worry that their plan to receive (good money) would be affected.

"`" Patriarch, if we continue to act next, we must be careful, maybe those guys have begun to pay attention in secret, and we may attack us at any time. "

The old man didn't know why, but suddenly had a bad feeling.

On the other hand, at this moment, the patriarch of the illusion family.

There was a faint smile on his face, and then the sound of each word echoed in the old man's ears.

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