This doesn't require much energy for Elder Han, so they didn't say anything more. After nodding their heads, they started what they should do.

Han Lao controlled the mechanical Kunpeng and started to fly in the direction of Qin Mu.

Qin Mu's side also came to the place where the trap was arranged at a very fast speed.

An extremely solemn expression appeared on his face, and his voice kept ringing in the ears of all the soldiers.

"Three-nine-seven" "How about the traps have been laid out? What other places have not been done.

"Hurry up and tell me that the mechanical Kunpeng is coming soon. If we don't prepare in advance, we may miss the best opportunity to ambush the mechanical Kunpeng at any time.""

As his voice fell, the soldier at the head showed an extremely determined look on his face, and he patted his chest and assured Qin Mu.

"Don't worry, all the organs have been completed according to your requirements, as long as the mechanical Kunpeng arrives, it can be wiped out.

Qin Mu felt relieved when the soldier's excited voice fell.

He glanced at the hundred or so people present, and then echoed in their ears with a commanding tone.

"All the traps have been completed, then you hurry up and hide, you must not reveal any clues, the mechanical Kunpeng still has some perception ability. 99

"If he finds out that there is a trap here, it may not be so easy to subdue him.

Qin Mu's voice echoed in everyone's ears.

After everyone heard what Qin Mu said, they naturally understood the meaning of it, no one said anything more, and they immediately started to turn around and find a place to hide.

After all the soldiers were hidden, the sound of the mechanical Kunpeng flapping its wings faintly reached Qin Mu's ears.

Qin Mu knew very well that the mechanical Kunpeng was coming soon, and he had to hide it at this time, otherwise their plans would be completely lost.

Without the slightest hesitation, he immediately hid in a hidden place above the organ.

For absolute safety, he also removed all obstacles around him.

Sure enough, under the guidance of Elder Han, the mechanical Kunpeng quickly came to the place where he arranged the organs.

Where he arranged the mechanism, the machine Kunpeng flew towards the mechanism at a very fast speed.

Qin Mu's brows furrowed, this was a crucial time.

At the moment when the mechanical Kunpeng flew over, he had to drop the mechanism and trap the mechanical Kunpeng. First, he had to save the little loli fish Youwei!

In this way, it can be ensured that Yu Xiaowei is not harmed in any way.

In fact, he is not 100% sure to ensure the safety of the little loli fish and young Wei.

However, there is no way to do this now, and everything can only be done with care to prevent accidents.

Just as he was thinking about it, the mechanical Kunpeng rushed towards him at an extremely fast speed.

He silently assessed the last second in his heart.

Directly lower the mechanism valve in his hand.

When the mechanical Kunpeng flew through the narrow alleyway of 1.5, the large gates that fell from the sky directly jammed his neck.

Immediately after, another gate was lowered and its tail was also stuck.

As a result, his body directly appeared in some unbalanced state, constantly flapping his wings, but it did not bring him any effect.

After all the soldiers saw this scene, they cheered together and were able to catch the mechanical Kunpeng․

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