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Chapter 583 Got the Six-Winged Divine Wing!

However, at this time, after hearing what Qin Mu said, the god of the sky showed a faint smile on his face.

Because he knew very well in his heart that Qin Mu's strength was indeed very strong, and simply fighting with himself, the strength he showed had surpassed everything.

If Qin Mu can really beat him, the gain in his power boost is really minimal.

However, the god of the sky suddenly revealed an artifact that shocked everyone at the most critical moment.

I saw a wing suddenly appear behind the god of the sky, and when everyone looked carefully, it was a six-winged divine wing.

This is a supreme artifact. If the mantle of the god of the sky can get this artifact, Qin Mu's strength may be improved again.

After the god of the sky was equipped with the divine weapon, its speed seemed to have completely transformed, and the sound of space vibrations began to appear around.

"Once my inheritance, I can really obtain the powerful divine artifact, the six-winged divine wings." ""

"If you can defeat me, he is yours, and I believe you can fully exert his most powerful strength."

Looking at all this, Qin Mu couldn't help showing a longing look on his face. For him, this seraph really helped him, because it could equip the elf queen with the seraph.

After all, the elf queen is a part of his power. If the elf queen is powerful, the elf army he summons can also release a powerful force.

A greedy look appeared on Qin Mu's face, and his thoughtful voice echoed in the ears of the god of the sky.

"If you had taken this thing out long ago, we would not have been able to fight for such a long time. Although your power is a certain threat to me, it would be easy to kill you.

The moment the voice fell, Qin Mu's body immediately disappeared in place, but the god of the sky was stunned.

He never thought that Qin Mu's speed would be so fast, and when she calmed down, a look of unease appeared on her face.

He clearly felt Qin Mu's power everywhere around him. In this case, Qin Mu should be doing something, but he couldn't feel Qin Mu's existence at all.

This also shows that Qin Mu's speed has even surpassed his god of the sky to some extent.

You must know that as the god of the sky, he originally controlled the speed, but now it seems that his power is no longer beyond the problem.

On the other side, Lao Han and Yu You Weiyan saw all this in their eyes.

A faint smile appeared on Han's face.

"It seems that our worries are unnecessary, Qin Mu's strength is really too strong, with his current strength, he will definitely be able to solve the god of the sky in a very short period of time.

At this moment, he is no longer worried about Qin Mu's safety. At this time, Qin Mu is completely fighting with the god of the sky.

A look of helplessness appeared on the face of the god of the sky (how well), he suddenly stopped his speed and stood in place.

"Your strength is indeed very strong. I know that if we continue to fight, I can't be your opponent. This is already yours."

After the god of the sky held his footsteps, he slowly took out the six-winged divine wings behind him.

He put the six-winged Divine Wing in front of Qin Mu.

Qin Mu did not hesitate to get the six-winged Divine Wing.

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