"How is this possible, how can this guy's strength be so powerful, is there really such a powerful terrifying guy in this world?

"This guy is simply a slaughtering god. The god of the sky has been defeated by him. There is nothing in this world that he cannot do."

When all this was seen by the soldiers in their eyes, they began to fall into contemplation, and each of their faces showed fear and anxiety.

If they hadn't seen the battle between Qin Mu and the god of the sky with their own eyes today, they would never have believed that such a thing would happen.

Each of them had a very excited look on their faces.

What excited them even more were the treasures that the God of the Sky handed over before they finally left.

Most of these treasures are artifacts, and every one of them is a precious treasure.

Now the treasures are in front of them, but they dare not go in.

Because they didn't get Han Lao's order, they also knew that Teacher He would never let them loot the things here.

"Anyway, it is impossible for us to get the treasures of the Tiangong Temple, so let's just look around, maybe we can find other valuable things.

There were greedy expressions on the faces of the soldiers, and the voices of some of them echoed in the ears of others.

The other people see all of this in their eyes and they are very clear, which will be of great help to them.

The crowd didn't say anything more, and they immediately began to prepare continuously.

Start preparing for everything that comes next.

The soldiers were constantly scavenging for other treasures around. Here, Lao Han, Qin Mu, Yu Youwei and others also put all the treasures into their backpacks.

Han Lao's face showed an extremely shocked look, and he stared straight at Qin Mu in front of him.

At this moment, her thoughtful voice echoed in Qin Mu's ears.

"I am really lucky now that we are not enemies, and it would be a deadly threat to me if I became an enemy with someone like you.

Han Lao's face was full of faint smiles, and his thoughtful voice echoed in Qin Mu's ears.

He knew in his heart how powerful Qin Mu's power was, and it was impossible for them to fight against Qin Mu with their current strength.

So she is very fortunate that she and Qin Mu can be on the same front, not enemies.

A faint smile appeared on Qin Mu's face, and then he said word by word.

"If you can, I will also let you see how powerful my means are, and at that time you can also appreciate how desperate the enemy is."

When Qin Mu said what was in his heart, he suddenly released a powerful breath of force, and in that short moment, Mr. Han immediately shook his head, he said eagerly.

"I'm not an abused person, forget it, I still follow you obediently, so that I can at least have a good life.

After Mr. Han finished speaking, he immediately began to list all the things he had collected and put the list in front of Qin Mu.

"This time, we got a lot of good things here in Sky City. Don't worry, I will never swallow these things alone. I have sorted them all out, and now I will share a part with you."

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