After Qin Mu appeared in front of him, without any hesitation, he directly placed the Orb of Orb, which had no power, in front of Patriarch Os.

His complexion was extremely solemn, and then he said word by word: "Take a good look at this thing!

Patriarch Os also saw this scene, and his face showed a different look.

He had already handed over the things, but Qin Mu still came at this time, he was worried that Qin Mu was looking for something.

If this is the case, it will be a disaster for their Os family.

After Patriarch Aos finished his words, he stared straight at Qin Mu at the moment, and at the Auss Orb he was holding in his hand.

"Take a good look at this thing in my hand again, is there any problem?"

Qin Mu's voice echoed in his ears.

Only at this time did Patriarch Os realize what Qin Mu meant? When he focused his gaze on Os Orb again.

There was a surprised look on his face.

Immediately, he snatched the already dim Os Orb from Qin Mu's hands.

He took the Orb of Oss in his hand, and he could clearly see that there was no energy on it.

"How could this be possible, how could the power of the Orb of Os disappear completely, what did you do to him?"

Patriarch Aus saw all this in his eyes, and his face also showed an incredible look. He never thought that Aus Orb would lose all power in a short period of time.

After looking carefully for a long time, he seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and then his eager voice echoed in Qin Mu's ears.

"It must be you, you want to get the Orb of Aus, and then exchange the real Orb of Aus.

Patriarch Os expressed his guesses.

It doesn't make any sense.

Qin Mu didn't feel angry when he heard him say that.

"If I really want to exchange this bead, then from the beginning, I won't be so nonsense with you."

"If I'm not mistaken, this Orb of Orb is likely to be replaced by someone else without your knowledge.

"Think about it, apart from me, are there any other people outside of your Os family who have come into contact with Os Orbs.

After Qin Mu pondered for a long time, he expressed some thoughts in his heart.

At this time, Patriarch Os also seemed to understand what Qin Mu meant by these words?

He tried his best to fall into contemplation, and soon he seemed to think of something.

A strange look appeared on his face, and then the voice of explanation echoed in Qin Mu's ears.

"`"Besides you, there is another person who has come into contact with the Orb of Aus, and that is the Green Snake. ""

"Looking back now, the green snake itself has enough ability to make fakes. He may have already made this fake Osbao (Wang's) beads through his own power."

"Then the power of the Orb of Needle is temporarily stored in it, allowing him to play a one-time role."

The patriarch of the Os family expressed his thoughts.

Qin Mu, who saw all this in his eyes, couldn't help but nodded after hearing what he explained.

All this is just as Patriarch Aus said, and it is true, and if it is not the case, there is no better way to explain it.

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