The soldier's voice echoed in the patriarch's ears.

When the patriarch heard what he said, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

His incredible voice echoed in the soldier's ears.

"What do you mean by this sentence? You said that your patrol captain is surrounded, which is impossible. The strength of the patrol captain is extremely strong.

"How could he be surrounded by the bag "Five Twenty" with such a powerful force."

"And the person who invaded shouldn't have the ability to fight against your entire patrol team. Did he still lead the army?"

The face of the patriarch showed an incomparable look in the camp, and his word-for-word voice echoed in everyone's ears.

The soldier had a look of helplessness on his face. He knew that he had to tell everything.

He then told the patriarch what Qin Mu had done.

After hearing what he said, the patriarch couldn't help but gasped.

The patriarch knows exactly what kind of situation they have encountered, and from the current situation, things will only get worse.

Because Qin Mu can summon thousands of troops, it is probably stronger than all their current preparations.

In the face of such an enemy, if they have no way to deal with it, they will be greeted by a more terrifying death.

The patriarch of the desolate clan began to be a little worried, and she didn't know what would happen next.

"Immediately recall all those generals who went out, let's discuss the next strategy, this is a big deal!"

The words of the patriarch of the desolate clan echoed in everyone's ears, and his subordinates immediately called back all those generals who went out.

After the generals who went out came back, the patriarch of the desolate clan said all this.

After the generals heard what the patriarch said, they couldn't help but start to feel a little surprised.

Because the people who can summon the undead army, they don't know much, but now there is only one person who is in the limelight.

This person is Qin Mu.

Everyone present knew in their hearts that if Qin Mu really came, it would deal a fatal blow to them.

One of the leading generals had an incredible look on his face. He looked at the soldier who secretly came back to report and said slowly 0..

"Is what you said true? The person who besieged you can summon an army of undead. If you dare to deceive me, you should know the result."

The General's voice echoed in the man's ears.

After the guy heard what the general said, he naturally didn't dare to hesitate at all, and nodded with a certain look.

"I didn't mean to deceive the general at all, it was like that, that guy not only summoned the capital of the dead, but also his own strength is very strong.

The subordinate's voice echoed in the General's ears.

At this moment, the general understood, and his expression became more gloomy. He knew very well that if he really said that, then the next person who greeted them was probably the person he least wanted to contact.

The patriarch of the barren clan also seemed to be able to clearly see the uneasy look on the general's face.

With a dignified look on his face, his thoughtful voice echoed in the General's ears.

"Why does such a thing happen, your face is ugly, do you know what kind of identity that guy is?"

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