"But if you don't accept softness, then don't blame me, let me see how strong you are as the patriarch of the barren clan."

After his words fell, the patriarch of the barren clan also knew that he could no longer avoid this battle.

His complexion became extremely serious.

Trying to keep himself calm, he knew that he must not show any cheating.

In particular, he can't show his fear. Now all the soldiers under his command have been defeated. If he shows his fear again, it will be an even more painful price to meet him.

He represents the hope of the entire barren clan, and as a soul figure, he must remain strong.

The Patriarch of the Desolate Clan knew this very well, so he immediately released the most powerful power in his body.

I saw that the power around him began to pour out like a surging wave.

Without the slightest hesitation, he went all out for the first time, and that force could directly shine on Qin Mu's body in a very short period of time.

Qin Mu took a deep breath, he knew exactly what kind of situation he was facing.

Now that he has come this far, he will naturally not admit defeat.

The moment when Qin Mu released a powerful force at the same time and the power of the patriarch of the desolate clan collided.

The air waves generated by the impact of the surrounding forces rise and fall one after another.

The rising and falling air waves made everyone present tremble with fear.

In their hearts, they knew exactly what the powers released by Qin Mu and the desolate clan chief meant.

After all the people felt the power released by the two, they could not help but start to retreat.

Although some daring guys still stood there watching the battle, they knew in their hearts that the aftermath of this battle was not something they could bear.

There was a look of shock on their faces.

While trying to keep themselves calm, they also faced great challenges.

"It seems that there must be a winner between us, otherwise today's battle will be meaningless."

After finishing speaking, Qin Mu immediately started to act, and his body disappeared in place for the first time.

On the other side, the patriarch of the desolate clan also clearly saw this scene.

He knew in his heart how powerful Qin Mu was, so when Qin Mu was defending against him attacking him.

He immediately placed an invisible defense all over his body.

That invisible defensive barrier blocked the attack of friendship.

Qin Mu's power was directly bounced back.

"I didn't expect this guy to have such a strong defensive power. It seems that I underestimated their strength."

"But it's not a big deal. Even if they have strong defenses, they can't be our opponents."

"You must know that the strength of Lord City Lord is very powerful, we have never seen Lord City Lord go all out, this time maybe we can see how powerful he is.

Those subordinates beside Qin Mu, you said every word.

You can clearly feel their excitement at this moment.

This is also a normal thing.

After all, for them, if they can see the battle between Qin Mu and the desolate clan chief, it will be very helpful for their future cultivation.

Just when they were looking forward to it, Qin Mu started again and saw his body instantly disappear in place, but when everyone reacted.

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