An incredible look appeared on the face of the masked man.

He stared straight at Elder Han, and he could clearly see the anger in his eyes.

This is also a very normal thing.

After all, he was full of anger towards Qin Mu.

Therefore, he has now directed this anger directly to Han Lao.

Han Lao naturally also knew that the masked man in front of him was full of hatred for him.

He was very curious as to who the guy "Wu San Qi" in front of him was.

Han Lao Zhou released a powerful force, and he directly locked the masked man at the first time.

"Who the hell are you? Such a powerful anger shows that Qin Mu has hurt you deeply."

Without the slightest hesitation, Elder Han directly expressed his thoughts.

After the masked man heard Han Lao's words, he didn't say much, but his pupils shrank.

The murderous aura became more intense.

"Now you are a corpse, and you have no right to speak to me.

The voice fell, and the masked man immediately started.

The powerful strength around him burst out in an instant.

A powerful force enveloped Elder Han, but Elder Han has now completely broken free from the shackles.

The masked man can no longer be Han Lao's opponent.

Elder Han did not hesitate at all, he immediately released a powerful force and fought fiercely with the masked man for a while.

When Elder Han was fighting with the masked man, he could clearly feel the power of the masked man in front of him with a very familiar feeling.

That is to say, the masked man Han Lao has met before.

However, who he was, Han Lao couldn't remember for a while.

Han Lao's current idea is actually very simple, that is, hold on.

Now he can only drag the masked man in front of him.

Only in this way can he wait for Qin Mu's arrival.

He knew in his heart that Qin Mu would find out what information he had left.

This is why Mr. Han dared to delay.

It has to be said that veteran Han gave all his hopes to Qin Mu, which was a gamble for him.

He still believed in Qin Mu, and he knew that Qin Mu would definitely save him no matter what.

There was a look of no more seriousness on his face, and when he was fighting with the masked man, he was also very worried about his next situation.

In this way, at the same time Qin Mu and Yu Youwei on the other side separated, they immediately pursued the breath left by Mr. Han and moved forward rapidly.

As his speed continued to increase, he could clearly feel that Elder Han's aura became more and more obvious.

There was a hint of excitement on Qin Mu's face, he knew very well that he had to find Mr. Han as soon as possible.

Procrastination will only make their situation worse.

While he was moving fast, he didn't know that there were a pair of eyes staring at him in the dark.

This person is none other than the guy who sent Elder Han to the masked man.

He hadn't said a word from the beginning to the end, but he had already understood everything as new.

When he saw Qin Mu1.5, he was chasing after Han Lao and the masked man quickly.

There was a worried look on his face, and he could see clearly if Qin Mu really caught up.

With the strength of Qin Mu and Han Lao. There is absolutely no chance that the noodle master will have the slightest chance of winning.

That's why he found out that he immediately shot at the end of the period.

I saw his body blocking Qin Mu's face like a ghost.

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