After all the masters were gathered, the general's face showed a look of death.

"I think you should be very clear in your hearts what kind of enemy you will face next."

The general's words echoed in everyone's ears.

After everyone heard the General's words, they nodded firmly.

Each of them knew what kind of situation they would encounter next, but they had no plans to back down.

"General, since we are willing to stand up and fight that guy, we have no intention of coming back alive. If we can kill that bastard or die together, it will be our honor."

In fact, these selected soldiers are all powerful beings in the military camp, and they can clearly feel the horror of Qin Mu.

But they have no choice at all. After all, if they retreat at this time, then the entire Qingyou clan will be threatened.

"I believe that you will be able to complete this mission."

The general patted everyone's shoulders while speaking, and looked at the brothers who were born and died in front of him.

At this moment, there is not so much nonsense between them, and everyone has a very calm look on their faces.

For a while, everyone could not help but start to look forward to what will happen next.

The death squads sent by the generals immediately surrounded Qin Mu.

After seeing this scene with his subordinates next to Qin Mu, he tried hard to find a place to hide.

In fact, he did not want to be afraid of death. He knew that he would not be able to help him in the next battle. If he continued to stay here, he would only waste everyone's time.

Maybe it will also give those guys a chance to move them to Qin Mu, so it is very important to see their subordinates to hide for absolute safety.

If you had a panoramic view of all this at the moment, seeing the Great General and the Qingyou Patriarch, they dared to directly attack Qin Mu.

With a gloating look on his face, he stared straight at Qin Mu.

"Looks like you haven't done enough homework, you don't even know the strength of Qin Mu, and now you will definitely regret it.

When Yu Youwei's words fell, the general turned his head and glanced at him, but the two looked at each other, but they could clearly feel the indifferent look in Yu Youwei's eyes.

The general, who felt all this, knew very well in his heart that things would never be that simple.

He tried his best to keep calm and then said word by word.

"`" I could clearly feel the indifferent look in the woman's eyes. If I guessed correctly, I am afraid that this battle we launched will not have any results.

The thoughtful voice of the general rang in the ears of the patriarch Qingyou.

On the other hand, the Qingyou patriarch at the moment did not take Qin Mu (Li Lihao) in his eyes.

I didn't care what Yu Youwei said just now.

A faint smile appeared on his face, and he said slowly.

"I'm afraid things are not as complicated as you think. If the guy in front of him is really that powerful, he won't spend too much money with us here."

"He may have already started it long ago, and he didn't give us a chance to breathe at all.

The patriarch Qingyou said what was in his heart.


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