After thinking about it, the only person they can think of is only one person, and this person is the patriarch Qingyou.

After Qin Mu wanted to understand all this, his pupils shrank, and then he said slowly.

"Patriarch Qingyou said that he still has a trump card in his hand that he has not used. Now that he has caught Yu Youwei, it is obvious that he does not want us to leave as soon as possible."

"If I'm not wrong, he'll be back soon.

"Five-five-three" thinking of this, he couldn't help but start to calm down. He directly crossed his knees, sat on the ground and waited quietly.

After seeing this, the Elf Queen couldn't help but start to worry.

He worries that the next situation may be worse than expected.

"Did we think it was too simple? If he wanted to keep us, he wouldn't have to take such a risk. After all, if he encountered Ruowei when he was arresting, wouldn't we be asking for our own death."

I have to say that what the Elf Queen said is indeed possible.

But Qin Mu quickly rejected his idea.

"This is absolutely impossible, you don't know that guy at all, he is an extremely conceited person, if nothing else, he will find us soon.

Qin Muyi sat there motionless, with a very indifferent look on his face, it was obvious that he had not worried about Yu Youwei's safety from beginning to end.

At least that's what the Elf Queen thought.

The elf queen who discovered this couldn't help but get a little angry.

But he knew that he couldn't do anything, and could only wait quietly by Qin Mu's side, expecting the Qingyou Patriarch to appear.

The two waited for about half an hour, and the Elf Queen was really not bothered.

There was a trace of unease on his face, he stood up slowly, and then said in words.

"If you don't look for it, just sit here and wait to die, I'll go and look for it.

"Find him out as soon as possible, maybe he can be rescued.

After the elf queen finished speaking, she got up and prepared to leave.

Qin Mu said slowly at this time.

"Don't forget that this is the territory of their quiet family, if they want to hide, we can't find it at all.

"Just listen to me, wait here obediently, those guys will definitely find 0.."

"Patriarch Qingyou is not reconciled, he will definitely seek revenge on me, and Yu Youwei is his last resort."

Qin Mu explained his guess completely, and when the elf queen came out, he didn't know what to say next, he shook his head helplessly and continued.

On the second day, a powerful force soon enveloped the Elf Queen and the others.

When the Elf Queen felt that powerful force, he couldn't help gasping for a breath, because he clearly found that the force was more ferocious than all the forces they had encountered before.

Such a ferocious force, it will bring them a fierce battle that is beyond words.

At least in the eyes of Elf Queen 1.5.

But after feeling that powerful force, the face of the Elf Queen showed an extremely happy look.

His thoughtful voice echoed in Qin Mu's ears.

"Did the person we were waiting for finally come.

The elf queen expressed some thoughts in her heart.

Qin Mu stood up slowly, he said thoughtfully.

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