The Elf Queen knew very well in her heart that these guys were very strong. If Qin Mu was not careful, he would probably suffer a big loss in the hands of these guys.

This is something he absolutely does not allow, so he has to remind Qin Mu.

Qin Mu naturally knew that the group of guys in front of him would not let him go easily, he just nodded slightly, and directly ordered the two to leave as soon as possible.

"Don't forget "Five Seven Zeros" what I told you just now, you can go quickly."

After his voice fell, the Elf Queen took Yu Youwei and left slowly.

A faint smile appeared on the face of the Qingyou patriarch, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and then he said slowly.

"I've let go of your people now, what you should do next, I think you know better than me even if I don't tell you.

After the voice fell, he opened his hand again, this time Qin Mu's face suddenly showed something evil.

At the same time, his power continued to spread around.

At the moment when his power spread to the surroundings, all the masters who had been hidden around were discovered.

They never thought that Qin Mu would find himself hidden around these masters at the first time.

Seeing the masters of the Qingyou clan, Qin Mu's face showed murderous intent, and then his voice echoed in the ears of the Qingyou clan chief.

"I think you should understand what this is all about.

His voice echoed in the Qingyou Patriarch's ears.

When the patriarch Qingyou heard what Qin Mu said, he couldn't help but gasped, and he never thought that his plan would be seen through by this guy.

After seeing this scene, his subordinates couldn't help showing a worried look on his face, he still stepped forward, and then replied in the ear of Qingyou Patriarch with a voice of panic.

"This guy has already discovered it. We are going to ambush. We must be ready. For safety's sake, I think we should retreat as soon as possible."

His words echoed in the Qingyou Patriarch's ears.

But at this moment, the patriarch Qingyou only had the tree of life in his eyes, and after hearing what his subordinates said, his face showed a cold murderous aura.

"If you retreat at this time, you are undoubtedly thinking that this guy will admit that I must not do such a thing."

"There are so many of us here, and if we join forces, we can beat this guy."

The Qingyou Patriarch's face showed a cold look, and his voice echoed in the ears of his subordinates.

At this moment, after hearing what the Qingyou Patriarch said, he naturally understood what it meant.

An extremely solemn expression appeared on his face, and after refuting his own point of view, he immediately released the strength of his body.

But he never thought that the moment when the power of his whole body was released, he was completely enveloped by the power released by Qin Mu.

"The battle between you and me is not once or twice, don't you know? With the current you can't be my opponent 1.5.

A disdainful smile appeared on Qin Mu's face, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and his voice echoed in everyone's ears.

Immediately afterwards, the power released from his body began to spread out quickly like a wave of air.

At the same time, the other members of the Qingyou clan couldn't help but feel a little panic after they felt the powerful power released by Qin Mu.

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