"I said that I will keep my promise. Since you have completed what you promised, then your Qingyou family will have nothing to do with me."

A faint smile appeared on his face, and it was obvious that he was reassuring the quiet elders in front of him.

Qin Mu also didn't want to stay here for more time, which would only make their own situation worse.

After Elder Qingyou heard what Qin Mu said, they immediately recovered, and one of the representatives walked out slowly.

A flattering smile appeared on the representative's face, and his thoughtful voice echoed in Qin Mu's ears.

"Lord Qin Mu, we are not conspiring against you, we are discussing. Since the old team leader has been eliminated, it does not represent our quiet family."

"I know that he squeezed a lot of treasures from you, and now we are returning all these treasures to you on behalf of the Qingyou clan to show our sincerity."

After the representative's voice fell, Qin Mu's brows could not help but fine-tune, after all, he had already taken out these things.

He doesn't care about these things, but these Qingyou elders in front of him are willing to hand over these things.

This is indeed a more important thing for them.

Qin Mu also knew what they were thinking at the moment, and there was a faint smile on his face.

"Since you have such an idea, it proves that you are willing to help us together, and since then, there has been an intersection between our Eternal City and your group of relatives and friends.

After Qin Mu finished speaking, he slowly raised his hand and took all the belongings back.

Since the other party has already given the property to him, he will naturally not refuse it, after all, these things belong to them.

Then they chatted together for a long time, Qin Mu's thoughtful voice echoed in the ears of every Qingyou elder.

"Come on, we came this time to find (acbf) a friend around us who was caught, and I think you should be able to provide some clues."

Elder Qingyou could clearly hear from Qin Mu's words that he was still worried about Elder Han.

Elder Qingyou and the others fell into contemplation, and all of them began to use their own networks to search for news at the first time.

However, after a long time, the faces of the elders showed helpless expressions, and they could clearly see their situation at this moment.

This is also a very normal thing, after all the guys who kidnapped Mr. Han, their speed is too fast.

When passing through the Qingyou clan, they were basically not given time to react, so the people on the Qingyou clan did not have specific information.

"Sir Qin Mu is really sorry. We have used all our relationships and have not found any clues. It seems that there is no way to help you in any way.""

A look of shame appeared on the face of the elder Qingyou.

He shook his head helplessly, and lowered his head after speaking.

Qin Mu smiled indifferently and didn't say much, which was also what he expected. He had to admit that the actions of those guys were really weird, and it was difficult to figure out their identities.

Fortunately, he still has a clue now, and he will definitely be able to find those guys along the clue.

He fell into contemplation for the first time, and immediately ordered the Elf Queen and Yu Youwei around him.

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