Qin Mu is not an unreasonable person either. After hearing what the barbarian patriarch said, he slowly put away his power.

A faint smile appeared on his face, and he spoke slowly.

"I just hope you can keep your promise and tell me everything you promised.

After Qin Mu expressed his thoughts, the ape patriarch naturally did not hesitate at all.

After hearing what Qin Mu said, the barbarian patriarch showed a faint smile on his face.

"I will naturally tell you these things, but I really want to know what is the relationship between you and Mr. Han."

After the voice of the patriarch of Barbarian Ape 600 fell, a surprising smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Qin Mu naturally did not hesitate at all, and told the barbarian patriarch about the relationship between him and Han Lao.

After hearing what Qin Mu said, the ape patriarch showed a shameful smile on his face, and then said slowly.

"I didn't expect you to care so much about your subordinates, but there is one thing I have to admit to you, that is the news about Elder Han, in fact, I deceived you.

"Because I really want to see how powerful you are, so in order to let you take action, I will say such words in front of you."

When the words of the barbarian patriarch fell, Qin Mu frowned, and he could clearly see the strange look on his face.

After Qin Mu pondered for a long time, his thoughtful voice echoed in his ears again.

"I hope you can think clearly, is what you just said really the same as what you said?"

"Do you really know nothing about Elder Han's situation?"

After Qin Mu's questioning voice sounded, the face of the barbarian patriarch showed an extremely determined look, he said with certainty.

"I have no reason to deceive you, I really don't know the trace of Mr. Han, so don't waste your time with us. 99

After the barbarian patriarch once again affirmed his current situation, Qin Mu smiled indifferently and said nothing more.

"If that's the case, let's transport the wounded here, and we won't bother with other things.

After the words fell, Qin Mu turned and left, but after she took two steps, she stopped, and involuntarily looked at the ape chief again.

After Qin Mu left, he walked to Yu Youwei and the Elf Queen.

Both of them had worried looks on their faces.

"I didn't expect that your power would be so powerful. Under the siege of so many masters from the barbarian ape tribe, you can still retreat completely. It seems that these guys are really eating turtles.

A happy look appeared on the face of the Elf Queen, and the voice fell in Qin Mu's ear.

But Qin Mu still frowned after hearing his words, as if he was worried about something?

An extremely solemn expression appeared on his face, and the voices of the last words echoed in the ears of the Elf Queen and Yu Youwei.

"I don't care about these things now, you can feel it carefully, whether there is any aura left by Mr. Han around here. 39

Seeing all of this in Qin Mu's eyes, after the words fell, the Elf Queen and Yu Youwei couldn't help frowning slightly.

They were very clear in their hearts that Qin Mu said such words, which means that there must be traces of Hailao's Buddhist scriptures left in this barbarian ape tribe.

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