The elf queen did not hesitate to express her thoughts.

"Since we have already discovered the flaws in the guard formation, why not attack directly, so that we can let the barbarian ape clan hand over Elder Han, so that all the problems will be solved easily."5

After the Elf Queen's voice fell, Qin Mu shook his head.

"It's simple to imagine, but have you ever thought that those soldiers will suffer heavy losses?

Qin Mu directly stated his thoughts.

Although he wanted to do this, after careful contemplation, he still rejected the idea 02, because doing so would cause more deaths and injuries to the soldiers in their hands.

This is something Qin Mu is unwilling to do.

Qin Mu's voice echoed in the ears of Yu Youwei and others.

After hearing what Qin Mu said, Yu Youwei and the others showed extremely solemn expressions on their faces. For them, this was something they were unwilling to accept.

"If we can let the soldiers around us die without fighting, we are naturally willing to do it, but the current situation is not as simple as we thought."

"Battles are inevitable, we have to fight to solve the problem.

Seeing all this in Yu Youwei's face, she showed an extremely solemn expression.

Without any hesitation, he directly said what was in his heart.

At the same time, the Elf Queen, who saw all of this in her eyes, also had a look of approval on her face.

But after a long time he shook his head.

"It is impossible to do such a thing. Although we have a certain understanding of the politics and law of foot protection, there is absolutely no way to defeat it directly. 35

“If there is no way to defeat it, then things will probably go far beyond my expectations.35

"The casualties will only get worse by then, so we have to develop a complete strategy.

The Elf Queen saw all this in her eyes, and his face showed an extremely solemn look, and then the voice echoed in everyone's ears.

You can clearly see the dignified look on his face at the moment, which is also normal.

After all, his knowledge of the barbarian ape family can clearly know that the barbarian ape family's great formation of protecting the clan is still very strong.

It is impossible for such a powerful formation to be completely defeated so quickly.

If there is no way to be defeated, then this will only pose a greater threat to their soldiers.

Everyone's faces showed extremely solemn expressions, and they had no way to deal with what was going to happen next.

Yu Youwei couldn't wait, he knew that he couldn't wait any longer, and now he was always the closest to them.

If they don't find a way to solve the problem as soon as possible at this time.

It is very likely that Elder Han will die in front of them, which is something that no one is willing to accept.

"We must find a way as soon as possible. If it doesn't work, we will organize a death squad. I think there will be people who are willing to sacrifice their lives for Mr. Han."

Yu Youwei's impatient voice echoed in Qin Mu's ears, although he was reluctant to do such a thing.

But one thing he knew very well in his heart, if they didn't do this, Elder Han would definitely not get out of the way, and for the sake of safety, he was still willing to drive his soldiers to sacrifice their lives for Elder Han.


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