After the barbarian patriarch heard what he said, he nodded slightly.

Then a thoughtful voice echoed in the ears of the surrounding people.

"This time the battle will be directed by me, I will definitely stop those guys, and there will never be any accidents.

The face of the barbarian patriarch showed an incomparably solemn look, and after speaking, he slowly stood up and left.

This is also a normal thing, after all, he knows very well what kind of ending he will face next, and what kind of people they must fight.

The patriarch of the barbarian ape knew that he could not be Qin Mu's opponent 02, but they had a great formation of protecting the clan through the formation, and they could completely fight against Qin Mu.

This is also his last confidence.

After he finished speaking, he immediately led the people around him to the front line.

At this moment, Qin Mu has already led thousands of troops to the city.

A faint smile appeared on Qin Mu's face, and he stared straight at the ape patriarch who was not far from them.

Although the barbarian patriarch was in front of them, there was an insurmountable protective formation between them.

A faint smile appeared on Qin Mu's face, and his cold voice echoed in the ears of the ape clan.

"It seems that you are very sure of your own household head policy, and you are sure that we cannot break through.""

Qin Mu's words echoed in the ears of the barbarian team leader.

After hearing what Qin Mu said, the barbarian patriarch showed a firm look on his face and said slowly.

"You're right, I'm sure you won't be able to break through our clan protection formation, the last guarantee.

"You just step back obediently, and don't continue to entangle with us, or you will die miserably. 99

The firm voice of the barbarian patriarch fell, and he could clearly see the confidence on his face.

Qin Mu saw all this in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

It can be clearly seen that he has never put the chief of the barbarian ape family and the entire barbarian ape family in his eyes from the beginning to the end.

This is also a very normal thing. For him, the barbarian ape tribe is just a bunch of clowns jumping on the beam. What he wants to get is the news of Han Lao.

If it wasn't for Elder Han, they wouldn't have been able to entangle with the barbarian ape clan for so long.

With Qin Mu's power, he wants to solve them all, it's just an easy task.

It's just that if Elder Han is really destroyed in their hands, such things as race, they are likely to pose a threat to Elder Han's life.

Qin Mu naturally didn't want such a thing to happen, that's why he made such a troublesome plan.

"Since that's the case, then I'll show you today how unbearable the formation you've set up is. 35

A faint smile appeared on Qin Mu's face, and then 600 rushed out.

After he rushes out, the barbarian ape will naturally not let him easily break into the formation.

This is also a normal thing, after all, Qin Mu has already escaped from the formation, although he does not know the specific method.

But if this guy is allowed to try again, it is very likely that their entire formation will collapse.

This is their last guarantee. Once the formation collapses, they will become prisoners.

Qin Mu was able to kill all of them in one second.

Naturally, they all hope that such a thing will happen, so they will send some powerful people to suppress Qin Mu with the help of mutual aid formation.

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